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Posts: 5
Hail, All, I am Delaeh. My husband was a great Phantasmist, but twas not he who brought me safely to Norrath. Twas my son, Nytewolf. However, his is a story that only he can rightfully tell. I came to Norrath on May the 20th in the earth year 2000. From the first day, those around me aided me in my goal to become a primary healer in Norrath. I still remember the great Chii who bestowed upon me a complete set of bronze armor for my reward in helping those about me outside the city gates of Qeynos. I still have no explanation for why such a great gift was bestowed, but I remain humbly thankful. Upon proving myself loyal to Norrath and showing myself to strive for the benefit of Norrathians without recompense, I was permitted to become a member in the great guild of the “Moon Casters”. So here I be, offering what little I have and requesting your aid and kindnesses. I pledge to serve all Norrathians – but especially my brothers and sisters of the “Moon Casters”.