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Posts: 3
Yeliah Noremac is a Mon Cal Artisan living on Tatooine on the Starsider server. His plans are to become a Armorsmith while handling a pistol. If lucky, he'll follow that up by becoming a smuggler/slicer or becoming a full fledged Pistoleer. Tunkin Laraza is a Zabrak Marksman running around on Tatooine on the Eclipse server. He plans to Master the Carbine along with being a Support Specialist. Using both of these skills along with several Scouting skills, he hopes to become a Squad Leader for the Rebellion. Looking at Tunkin you would never realize he had a "softer side", but when he's not behind the barrel of his Carbine he's down at the cantina wailing away on his slitherhorn. His love for music will help others in the group to recover at camp too.