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Posts: 10
Valadhur fully graduated at the Bastokan School of Metalworks. The Metalworks School emphasizes the less pleasing parts of life. This particular dark type of music could only have sprouted from Bastok. After tiring of playing the same riffs over and over again, Valadhur took off and enrolled at the San d'Orian School of Progressive Metalworks. This school inherits some of the basics of the Bastokan School of Metalworks but is a lot more technical. It incorporates difficult meter changes, exotic time notations and classical elements. Valadhur took a particular liking to this type of music and applied himself eagerly. As a result, he graduated with honours. Having wandered as an adventurer in search of fame and money, he has learned many trades. Upon hitting his 30's as a Red Mage, he decided to retire and find a steady job as a Bard with a perma party. He occasionally takes up his old jobs but Bard is where his heart lies.