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Posts: 79
Bricabrac, or Bric as a number of you like to call him, is one of ten characters I'm working on in the Dragonblight server. Also, with my two newest characters, I will try to put together a couple of Christmas guilds. My alliance Christmas character is a dwarf paladin named Joyeuxnoel, and I have an Undead priest named Ebnezrscourg (Ebeneazor Scourge). My others are: *Taurnguard - Tauren Warrior *Scratch - Orc Hunter (with his pet Itch) *Tryx - Night Elf Druid (female) *DaveGrigger - Undead Rogue, *Mmanson, a Human Warlock. *Illusia, a Human Mage, and *Confessa, a dwarf priestess. Bric's from a land where night elves walk hand and hand and do naughty things behind golden gated shrubbery. He helps others when he can but will not remain patient as a trainer for too long, especially with those that have no clue what they're doing.. i.e. a level 14 character in Blackbottom. He has a fondness for beautiful women. His main focus is a waitress in Lakeshire whom he previously helped. Now, all he can get out of her is a sales pitch for her wares.. drink wares, that is. Oh well.