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Posts: 3
Jentressa was created in January of 2003. I had no idea what the game was about. I created her, and then logged in to Nektulos Forest in the day time, and had no idea where I was or what to do. I remember being led to Xon Quexill by a player and then dying several times because I kept accidentally hitting the "A" key (before auto attack was set to "Q"). I got to level 8 before I realized that I could use spells! In April 2003, I found out that I was pregnant. I took a year and a half off and resumed playing in October 2004. I played until April 2005 and took 4 months off. I came back again in August 2005. I wish I hadn't taken so many breaks, Jen would be level 70 with a massive amount of AA's! :( Frogettah was created the day that LoY came out. I immediately did a digital download and created her. She is quite possibly *the* first Froglok Cleric ever to be created! Some happy memories I have from long ago are: sitting on the rock in the water in Oasis, watching Sand Giants (Cazel and Lockjaw too!) go by, thinking that the mobs in Netherbian Lair were the hardest thing in the game, saving up 100pp and thinking I was rich, and much more =) If you read this entire thing you are too cool.