__DEL__1591924692594's Avatar


Posts: 221
Should be common sense, but I'll say it anyway: Don't be afraid to 'start' your group. I had a guildie just last night complaining that he's been LFG for 3 hours (he's a 34 MAG). I checked the LFG board and there were 7 toons all within a few lvls of each other. So I invited him, an SK, and a DRU. Then I bailed so they just had to get 1 more. And all I could think of was how long they waited or would have continued to wait (while complaining) looking for a group. Too many just reg, then hang out and talk, surf auctions, duel, whatever. If you reg, occasionally check the LFG list. If you find you are missing 1 piece of a group (healer, DD, etc) just shout soemthing like "group of 3 just needs a hlr lvl #ish" or "just need another DD lvl #ish" in freeport or Highpass. I know I'm usually on with my mains, but if I see someone needs a DD lvl 40ish...im sending you a tell saying 'brb with my MAG or my ALC'. If you need a 20ish healer, I'm sending you a tell 'brb w my DRU'.