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Posts: 79
WoW Aboch - Priest Aroch - Warlock Winterbreath - Mage Avincia - Hunter Agorn - Warrior Swordsinger - Paladin Lvl Bank FFXI Tierhon Wht/Red Iboc Monk DAoC Iboc Friar Fowan Theurgist EQ Tierhon Mage [quote] "Its not my duty to do this, but I believe its my priviledge. Its what I choose to do with my time. I chose White Mage from the beginning and I will stick to it. I am the healer, the curer and the comforter. I stop damage where it begins and repair it where it ends. The weakened and sick shall rejoice with newfound health. The mobs shall dispise us as they see their work undone. Young adventurers take haste and respectfully bow before our abilities. You shall strike more often. You shall regenerate. You shall mock the face of death. You shall fight the greatest mobs, and take them down with ease. When you are paralyzed with fear, we shall bring you action. When you are blinded by it's anger, we shall bring you sight. When you are petrified by it's glare, we shall bring you movement. When they slow you, weaken you, we shall erase its devilish work. We will protect you from its blows, and shelter you from its magic. White Mage pwns. " Rialia of Bismarck [/quote] Member Since 2001