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I was born in Kaladim 250 years ago. After completing my clerical training, I spent some time exploring the Butcherblock Mountains. When my superiors decided I was ready, I was allowed to make the journey to Antonica to learn the ways of other races. On the voyage, my ship was wrecked and I was saved from drowning by Luethar Treewalker, an orphaned Wood Elf raised in Kaladim. We became boon companions, and fought orcs in East Commons together for many months. Our orc slaying eventually took us to the Oasis of Marr, and finally on to High Pass. About that time the wanderlust took me to Kunark, where I spent many weeks fighting Sarnaks. I was especially intrigued by the Iksar, but found them less than receptive to the teachings of Brell. The giants in the Frontier Mountains proved equally unresponsive. I began to despair of finding any kindred spirits (other than the occasional adventurer) when my superiors recalled me to be an emissary to the Church of Brell in Thurgadin. In Velious, I joined the Crusade against the Kromzek, having acquired a taste for fighting giants in Kunark. I made several trips back to Kunark when ever I could, and found many precious artifacts in the ruins of Old Sebilis. My campaigns against the giants earned the respect of the Claws of Veeshan, a group of powerful dragons native to Velious who invited me to further test my mettle in the Halls of Testing, where I have almost completed a suit of fine armor. Where my travels take me next, only the Deep Father knows...