__DEL__1592249696727's Avatar


Posts: 5
Hello my name is Tanchie Dyktre. I am druid helper of nature, kiter of beasts and healer to those in need.... and at times a drunk fisherman. I am 52 druid at 9/27/01... if u are planning a raid on PREXUS server give me a call i can go on all raids but growth (no rnger or druid can) I am a good kiter and work well in grps but I get bored easy. I stay focused at the job at hand and wont talk back unless suicide without rez is the order.I am nobodies ride or sower my normal respawnce is "I am a war not dru" it makes peeps mad but gets the point across. As the light shines down onto my light tan skin,,, this is Faydwer place of my kin..