__DEL__1592307847284's Avatar


Posts: 2
You might ask why, after i tell you, didn't i start playing SWG since the day it came out... since i ahd been wait.. well it came out when iu was like 12.. lol yes the most hated age for all gamers to incounter. well my parents where being.. what i would call fricken gay losers who don't want me to have fun.... i coun't get swg... and i couldn't find to buy it thgen keep on getting some way to pay for subscrip... any way... i jsut had to stiuck with the good ol' xbox games and other star wars games... isoemtimes read some stuff on the main SWG website.. looked at screen shots of the day and wished... i forgot about SWG until about now... i think it sliek 4 years later... i guess i missed the prime of SWG and i'm kinda sad.. star wars has been something ive always loved.... SWG was my biggest dream come true... well in liek video game sence lol... yeah any way..what i think... soem peopel will tell me this is dumb.. but i beleive if they jsut amde a SWG 2 and started from scratch and didn't mess with the whole game (NGE) they would be better off and more people would play.. THE END =P