__DEL__1592757861423's Avatar


Posts: 1
Hello there I am midget man or whatever you want to call me. I am a small man I can't reach the jar of cookies on top of the refigoratior, I can't pee directly into a toleit standing up. I can't press the gas pedal and steer at the same time... I am disabled and I am not. Can you fit through a cat/dog flap when yo forgot your key? Can you fit you hand up to your wrist in your mouth? Can you lighten the mood of a room simply by doing a little dance? Perhaps some of you cn do these things... But these are special abilites for all midgets. Next time you see a midget give it a hug, a little poke in the belly or say 'hello' and strike up a conversation Midgets were made to make people laugh and joke about so go out there and find a midget!!!!! Names of midgets I know: Tina the tiny Sam the small Sue that fits in a shoe Tanya toenail Abraham bacontall Toothless jim Freddy Fingerlong Bobby button'big Willy window-width Tandaser trumpet blower Steve sewerat Of course the infamous Midget Joe, Moe and Bob... and many many more. ALL HAIL THE MIDGET