__DEL__1609114639902's Avatar


Posts: 1
My name is Mike Burns. I currently hold a degree in Network Engineering. I enjoy playing pool with my friends, bar hopping, video games, reading, movies, camping, listening to music and hanging out with my friends. I am from Texas and have lived here my whole life, been to very few places only to visit close childhood friends. I grew up hard and fast and have no regrets about the bad things I did as a teen, I have matured and left that life behind me but I learned a lot from it. I was raised Catholic and am a confirmed Catholic, I also hold a certificate as a baptist minister, I spent 2 years studying at a Buddhist monistary and joined the Buddhist faith. I am strong willed and have an aggressive domineering personality. I am 6'1" with brown eyes and brown hair. I am overweight but I am also a weight lifter, I own free weights and a bench press as as well as a punching bag. I used to have 6 piercings in my face, however as I started my adult life I thought it best to remove them. I have 2 tattoos on my leg a Buddhist Dhamma wheel and the words No Regrets, I plan on getting more. I am pretty nerdy. Got a question? Feel free to ask I'm an open book.