Category:TR Armour Types  

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Skill, training, and the right weapons does not mean much without the proper protective gear. High-quality armours have been in development for a long time, but recent surges in technology throughout the AFS are unparalleled. Currently, AFS troops employ seven major types of personal armour, and this chapter will familiarise you with each.

Armour Types

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Category: ZAM Network
This page last modified 2008-05-26 20:55:14.

Articles in category "TR Armour Types"

There are 7 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Bio (TR Armour Type) Graviton (TR Armour Type) Hazmat (TR Armour Type)
Mech (TR Armour Type) Motor Assist (TR Armour Type) Reflective (TR Armour Type)
Stealth (TR Armour Type)