Category:Kurin (Aion Race)  

Race: Category:Kurin
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When a Mepigus feeds on a Gnarl, it turns into a Kurin.[1]

  1. ^ Discussion with Lodas, introduction of The Elim Tragedy

Categories: Races (Aion) | Aion
This page last modified 2010-06-16 10:51:45.

Articles in category "Kurin (Aion Race)"

There are 10 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Fat Athos (Aion Mob)
Foraging Kurin (Aion Mob)
Hulking Kurin (Aion Mob)
Nimble Aramis (Aion Mob)
Reckless Kures (Aion Mob)
Runty Porthos (Aion Mob)
Snowy Kurin (Aion Mob)
Special Delivery (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Kurin (Aion Mob)
White Hair Kurin (Aion Mob)