Category:Dragonblight (WoW)  

The Dragonblight is a draconic graveyard found in Northrend. To the west in this area can be found the entrance to the long buried kingdom of Azjol-Nerub, while the Wyrmrest Temple resides deep in the south.

There is also a magnataur village, that being called Bloodmar, found in this area and the former Taunka capital of Icemist Village, now fallen to ruin.

This page last modified 2009-06-01 13:06:09.

Articles in category "Dragonblight (WoW)"

There are 16 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Angrathar the Wrath Gate (WoW)
Azure Dragonshrine (WoW)
Coldwind Heights (WoW)
Crystal Vice (WoW)
Emerald Dragonshrine (WoW)
Fordragon Hold (WoW)
Kor'kron Vanguard (WoW)
Moa'ki Harbor (WoW)
New Hearthglen (WoW)
Taunka'le Village (WoW)
Venomspite (WoW)
Wyrmrest Temple (WoW)