Category:Collections (CoS)  

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City of Steam
See also: Category:Collectible

Collectibles are items that can be added to a Collection. You can open the Collections UI, after you reach level 10, by pressing Z.

Systems collectibles are earned by completing specific Daily tasks. Area Collectibles have a chance to drop in all dungeon and challenge zones attached to the named District. Additionally, complete the following every day to earn more:

When you have found enough of the needed items you may spend some amount of Shillingsto raise your Rank in that collection (to the max of Rank 10), adding Stat bonuses. Note: The bonuses are cumulative.

Note: You can add more items to a collection than it needs and it will keep track of the extras so when you complete the current Rank the extras will show as a credit against the next Rank.

Patch 2.6 added ServerPvP and Tower Collections, and raised the value of the Paragon Expert collection. We will update these values as we are able.

Patch 2.7 added Cosmetic collections. becvause of the size of the tables, we are going to have to split this page into two pages to avoid a limitation of the wiki.

The collections listed below, in the Category, are remnants of the Collection system from prior to the 1.3 version.

Categories: City of Steam | Items (CoS)
This page last modified 2014-07-28 14:33:56.

Articles in category "Collections (CoS)"

There are 21 articles in this category.