Category:Kaidan headquarters (Aion Mobs by Place)  

by Place
The mobs listed below can all be found in the immediate area of Kaidan headquarters in Eltnen.

This page last modified 2009-07-26 16:54:00.

Articles in category "Kaidan headquarters (Aion Mobs by Place)"

There are 17 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Chieftain Shaku (Aion Mob)
Crack Kaidan Captain (Aion Mob)
Elder Kaidan Soothsayer (Aion Mob)
Elder Kaidan Witchdoctor (Aion Mob)
Fierce Maeki (Aion Mob)
Grand Chieftain Saendukal (Aion Mob)
Kaidan Assaulter (Aion Mob)
Kaidan Healer (Aion Mob)
Kaidan Scout (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Fighter (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Flagger (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Peon (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Veteran Patrol (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Warrior (Aion Mob)
Mystic Kaidan Greatlama (Aion Mob)
Sartemon the Insane (Aion Mob)
Summoned Sartemon (Aion Mob)