Category:Homunculus (TERA Item Type)  

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Item Types
TERA features an unusual pet system that allows all players to obtain and train a pet, or Homunculus, and then use your pet to do certain actions for you, such as buying and selling via a "private store".There are four types of Homunculli at this time: Pooky, Mewy, Tuwangi and Darling.

Your pet starts out as a Homunculus Egg or Prized Homunculus Egg which, until it has been hatched and bound to you (Imprinted), can be traded. Each egg will randomly contain one of the four Homunculi.

Your egg must be placed in an Incubator. There is a chance that the egg will fail to hatch, leaving you with a useless Unhatched Egg in your inventory.

Each Homunculus will have a number of Orb sockets. The number is randomly determined when hatched. This number controls the number of different tasks your Homunculus can learn.

After you have successfully hatched your little friend, you will need to bind it to you via Imprinting.

Next comes attaching one or more Orbs to your pet. The Homunculus Lab sells three types of Orbs: Orb: Buy, Orb: Sell, and Orb: Buy and Sell. Attaching the Orb to the Homunculus can fail, which does not harm your pet but does destroy the Orb.

Imprinting and Attaching Orbs is done through the Homunculus Social Window.

Homunculi can only use one Orb at a time, no matter how many they have. This means if you want hm to Buy and Sell at the same time, you must give him a Orb: Buy and Sell, which is more expensive.

Each Homunculus has a Durability, determined by its Rank. Rank is determined by your skill at Incubating. Using your Homunculus decreases his Durability and you must periodically Repair it or it will die. If your Homunculus dies while maning your store, all items list on the private store will be lost.

Trivia According to this article at Wikipedia, Homunculus is a term used, generally, in various fields of study to refer to any representation of a human being. Historically it referred specifically to the concept of a miniature though fully-formed human body, for example, in the studies of alchemy and preformationism.

This page last modified 2011-04-15 10:46:32.

Articles in category "Homunculus (TERA Item Type)"

There are 5 articles in this category.
