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500 changes.
2008-12-22 21:42:07 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Quest:Start of Something Big ; (added detail ) (+1, -1) 2008-12-20 21:49:16 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Quest:Phylactery Find ; (minor edit ) (+2, -2) 2008-12-20 21:47:50 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Quest:Phylactery Find ; (Added details of quest ) (+6, -2) 2008-12-20 18:42:46 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Quest:Phylactery Find ; (+3, -0) 2008-07-13 23:49:26 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Mob:Alchemist Janicia ; (added loc ) (+1, -0) 2008-07-06 04:18:48 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Mob:Azhahkar the Gatecaller ; (added location information ) (+1, -0) 2008-07-06 04:17:38 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Quest:The Champions of Rujark ; (added location information and some extra formatting to make entry easier to read ) (+5, -4) 2008-07-05 21:31:00 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Collection:1st Lieutenant Dergud, 263 AS ; (+6, -6) 2008-07-05 21:30:04 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Collection:1st Lieutenant Dergud, 263 AS ; (edited loc text to make it easier to read ) (+6, -5) 2008-07-02 15:10:09 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Quest:Steam-Powered Spies ; (edited loc text to make it easier to read ) (+1, -1) 2008-07-01 22:56:45 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Mob:Kufu ; (+1, -1) 2008-07-01 22:56:21 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Mob:Kufu ; (Adding loc to main record ) (+1, -0) 2008-07-01 10:54:22 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Collection:The Orcs of Norrath ; (added loc for page 7 and bold text for given locs ) (+2, -2) 2008-07-01 09:23:59 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Mob:A Sandscrawler Diabolist ; (added location information ) (+1, -1) 2008-07-01 09:14:54 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Mob:A Sandscrawler Shamaner ; (added location information ) (+1, -0) 2008-06-29 02:12:06 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Collection:1st Lieutenant Dergud, 279 AS ; (+1, -1) 2008-06-29 02:10:16 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Collection:1st Lieutenant Dergud, 279 AS ; (added location to page 6 ) (+1, -1) 2008-06-27 08:20:12 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Quest:Anas Mechanica Arcana ; (minor formatting edit ) (+1, -1) 2008-06-27 08:19:34 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Quest:Anas Mechanica Arcana ; (Added brackets and some formatting to help clean up text to make it easier to read ) (+10, -8) 2008-06-26 00:18:11 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Mob:Kurina Nybright ; (+1, -1) 2008-06-26 00:17:45 (diff ) (hist ) EQ2 Mob:Kurina Nybright ; (+1, -0)
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