Category:LoN Starter Decks  

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The following pre-packaged Starter Decks are available from SOE, ready to play. They will not have the BEST selection of cards, but are a good starting place and the only place you can get the Avatar in the deck's name.

Each starter deck comes with 58 cards. 55 are fixed, plus 3 random bonus cards.

Legends of Norrath

This page last modified 2008-03-20 06:33:39.

Articles in category "LoN Starter Decks"

There are 9 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Asharae (Starter Deck)
Bayle (Starter Deck)
Cloudskipper (Starter Deck)
Cyndra the Scout (Starter Deck)
Eluviel the Priest (Starter Deck)
Illisia (Starter Deck)
Kaltuk (Starter Deck)
Karlemayn the Mage (Starter Deck)
Terin the Fighter (Starter Deck)