Ironbreaker Abilities (WAR)  

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CORE Actions (All "x" notations for skills mean the statistic will shift depending upon your level)
Rank Ability Path Cost Range Type Delay Duration Cooldown Description
1 Axe Toss Core 20 10-65 Ranged Attack 1s - - A basic throwing attack that inflicts x damage. Has a chance to deal x damage to a severely wounded target if you are behind them.
1 Oath Friend Core Free 166 Buff - Unlimited 15s Each time an oath friend is attacked, you will gain Grudges based on your current Grudge level, as well as some abilities affecting them.
1 Grudging Blow Stone 30 Melee Melee Attack - - - A vicious attack that deals x damage, and causes monsters to hate you much more than normal.
2 Vengeful Strike Stone 10 Grudge Melee Melee Attack - 10s - Costs 10 Grudge. You strike your enemy for x damage and stubbornly push yourself to keep fighting, increasing your Toughness by 3 for 20 seconds. Your Oath Friend's Toughness will also be increased if they are within 40 feet.
3 Guarded Attack Brotherhood 30 Melee Melee Attack - 10s - You deal x damage to your target and prepare yourself for their attacks, increasing your armor by x for 20 seconds. Your Oath Friend's armor will also be increased if they are within 40 feet.
4 Binding Grudge Vengeance 20 Melee Melee Attack - CC - 10s 5s Improves with Grudge. You chop at your enemy's legs, causing them to take x damage over 10 seconds and snaring them, reducing their run speed by 40%.
5 Heavy Blow Vengeance 35 Melee Melee Attack - - - You strike a crushing blow for x damage.
5 Grudge Unleashed Core 40 Grudge Self Buff - - 20s Costs 40 Grudge. You focus on your Grudges to ready yourself for action, restoring 160 AP.
6 Shield of Reprisal Stone 35 Melee Reactive Melee Attack - - 10s Requires Shield. Requires Block or Parry. A furious counterattack that deals x damage and will knock your target down for 3 seconds.
7 Taunt Core 20 65 Debuff - 15s 15s You enrage your opponent, interrupting any currently building abilities and forcing monsters to attack you. While taunted your opponent will take 30% more damage from your attacks. This effect will fade after 15 seconds or after your opponent has hit you 3 times.
8 Shield Sweep Stone 25 Grudge Melee Melee Attack - - - Costs 25 Grudges. Requires Shield. You bring your shield around in a smashing hit, dealing x damage to your target and to up to two other enemies within 20 feet of them. When hitting multiple targets you regain 10 Grudges for each additional target that you hit.
9 Inspiring Attack Brotherhood 35 Melee Melee Attack - 10s 10s Improves with Grudge. A brutal attack that deals x damage to your target and inspires you to push the attack, increasing your Strength by x for 20 seconds. You will also affect your Oath Friend if they are within 40 feet.
10 Guard Core Free 42 Buff - Stance 60s Only usable on other players. You defend one of your groupmates and try to take attacks meant for them. As long as you are within 30 feet of them, any damage that they suffer will be split evenly between the two of you, and 35% of all hate that they cause will be redirected to you.
10 Hold the Line Core 20/s PBAE Buff - 10s - Requires Shield. You focus your defenses against enemy fire, increasing your chances to dodge and disrupt by 45% for 12 seconds. You will also defend all allies behind you, up to 40 feet away, increasing their chances to dodge and disrupt by 15% as long as they remain at your back. Allies may have this effect stacked on them up to 3 times.
12 Juggernaut Core 45 Melee Melee Attack - - 60s You become filled with unstoppable power, removing all snaring, rooting, silencing, and disarming effects.
14 Away with Ye Stone 25 Grudge 5 Melee Attack - - 10s A dismissive strike that deals x damage and knocks the enemy away.
16 Rune-Etched Axe Vengeance 30 Melee Melee Attack - - 10s Improves with Grudge. You whirl your axe around, dealing x damage to all enemies within 20 feet.
18 Stubborn as Stone Brotherhood 5 Grudge Self Buff - 20s - You increase your Corporeal resistance by x for 20 seconds. With magical damage, your autoattack speed will be increased by 50% for 20 seconds. Increases Oath Friend's resistance if they are within 40 feet.
20 Challenge Core 30 CAE Debuff - 15s 30s You challenge all opponents in front of you, forcing monsters to attack you. While challenged, your opponents will deal 30% less damage to everyone other than you. This effect will fade after 15 seconds or after your opponent has hit you 3 times.
22 Sever Blessing Core 25 5 Melee Attack - - 5s Target must have a Blessing. You sever one Blessing from your enemy and do x damage.
25 Watch An' Learn Brotherhood 15 Grudge Self Buff - 10s 20s Increases your Weapon Skill by x for 10 seconds. Each time you hit an enemy, your Oath Friend will gain 25 Action Points as long as they're within 40 feet of you.
30 Grip of Stone Core 30 PBAE Crowd Control - 5s 60s You shatter the ground for 30 feet around you, rooting up to four enemies in place for 10 seconds. There is a 50% chance of the root breaking with every hit.
35 Kneecapper Vengeance 30 PBAE PBAE Melee Attack - - 5s Improves with Grudge. A painful strike to the enemy's leg that deals x damage.
40 Punishing Blow Brotherhood 40 Melee Debuff - Cripple - 10s 20s You main your target's legs, dealing x damage causing them to suffer x damage for everyone half second they are moving.
Masteries that build CORE Actions
Rank Ability Path Cost Range Type Delay Duration Cooldown Description
x5 Ancestor's Fury Vengeance 15 Grudge Self Buff - 10s - The memory of your ancestors bolsters your resolve, increasing Strength by x and chance to critically hit by 10% for 10 seconds. Your Oath Friend is affected as well if they're within 40 feet of you.
x9 Cave-in Vengeance 15 Grudge Melee Melee Attack - CC - 5s 20s The memory of your ancestors bolsters your resolve, increasing Strength by x and chance to critically hit by 10% for 10 seconds. Your Oath Friend is affected as well if they're within 40 feet of you.
x13 Grudge Born Fury Vengeance 20/s Melee Channeled Melee Attack - 3s 8s Requires Great Weapon. You constantly pummel your target with brutal attacks, dealing up to x damage over 3 seconds. Your attacks will end if you lose your concentration.
x5 Oathbound Stone 15 Grudge Self Buff - 10s - Strengthens the ties between you and your Oath Friend, increasing initiative by x and chance to parry by 25% for 10 seconds. Your Oath Friend is affected as well if they're within 40 feet of you.
x9 Avenging the Debt Stone 20 Grudge Melee Melee Attack - - - A decisive final strike that deals x damage to your enemy. If the target dies immediately after being hit by this attack, then you will regain x health, and your Oath Friend will be affected as well if they're within 40 feet of you.
x13 Oathstone Stone 45 Self Buff - 10s 60s You are almost guaranteed to block up to the next 4 attacks made against you within 10 seconds, and you will deal x damage back to the attacker each time you block.
x5 Runic Shield Brotherhood 30 Grudge Self Buff - 10s - You invoke a powerful rune that you've learned, and become surrounded by a protective barrier for 10 seconds which will absorb up to x magical damage. Your Oath Friend will be affected as well if they're within 40 feet of you. During this time, you will gain x Grudges each time you're hit by an enemy spell.
x9 Earthshatter Brotherhood 35 PBAE CC - 6s 20s Improves with Grudge. The ground around you cracks and shatters and snares all enemies within 30 feet, reducing their run speed by 40% for 6 seconds.
x13 Grumble an' Mutter Brotherhood Free Self Toggle Buff - 30s 60s You regain x health every 3 seconds for up to 30 seconds. You lose x Grudge each time this happens, and the effect will end if you run out of Grudges.


CORE Morale
Rank Ability MRank Range Duration Description
8 Demolishing Strike 1 Melee - A powerful melee attack that reduces armor by x and deals x damage over 15 seconds.
12 Shield Wall 2 Self 10s Requires Shield. Increases your chance to block by 100% for 10 seconds.
16 Champion's Challenge 1 5 60s Both you and your target are held tightly in place for 10 seconds, and neither one of you can move. This effect can not be dispelled.
20 Raze 2 CAE 3s Repeatedly attack all enemies in front of you, inflicting x damage every second for 3 seconds, up to 65 feet away.
24 Distracting Bellow 3 100 60s A loud shout that startles your target and all enemies within 30 feet of them, reducing their damage by 50% for 10 seconds.
28 Rock Clutch 1 Melee 7s Deals x damage to your target and roots them in place for 7 seconds.
32 Skin of Iron 2 Self 5s All damage you take is reduced by 100% for 5 seconds.
36 Gromril Plating 3 Group 20s Everyone in your group becomes protected by a barrier which will absorb up to x damage for 20 seconds.
40 Immaculate Defense 4 Group 10s An impressive display of defense which reduces incoming damage by 75% for both you and all group members within 65 feet of you for 10 seconds.
Masteries that build CORE Morale
Rank Path Ability MRank Range Duration Description
x15 Strength in Numbers Vengeance 4 Group 10s Increases your chance to block attacks by 100% for 10 seconds, and increases your entire group's chances to dodge, parry, and disrupt attacks by 25%.
x15 Axe Slam Stone 4 CAE - Deals x damage to all enemies in front of you, up to 20 feet away.
x15 Earthen Renewal Brotherhood 4 Group 9s Your entire group regains x health and x Action Points for 9 seconds.


CORE Tactics
Rank Ability Description
11 Stoutness of Stone You recover from Stuns and Knockdowns 50% quicker. You will still gain immunity based on the original duration.
13 Focused Offense You deal 15% more damage and all enemy monsters will hate you 15% less than normal, but your armor is reduced by 33%.
15 Rising Anger Each time you hit an enemy, you gain x Grudge. This effect will not trigger more than once per second.
17 Stubborness Increases your Corporeal resistance by x.
19 Rugged Increases Toughness by x.
21 Long-Held Grudge All of your damaging attacks will cause additional hate based on Grudge.
23 Ancestral Inheritance Increases your Armor by x.
25 Menace Enemy monsters will hate you 100% more than normal on all attacks.
27 Sweet Revenge Increases your chance to critically hit by 15% if you are above x Grudge.
29 Unstoppable Juggernaut Juggernaught's cooldown is reduced by 20 seconds.
31 Seasoned Veteran Whenever you block an attack you will take 15% less damage for 5 seconds.
33 Seen It All Before Snares last half duration against you and when you are critically hit by an enemy, the bonus damage that you suffer is reduced by 15%.
35 Dwarfen Riposte Whenever you Parry you also build x Grudge. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds.
37 Relentless Training Grudging Blow and Heavy Blow will cost x fewer action points.
39 Long Reach Extends the reach of Shield Sweep and Rune-Etched Axe by an additional 10 feet.
Masteries that build CORE Tactics
Rank Ability Description
Vengeance x3 Overprotective Whenever your Oath Friend is attacked there is a 25% chance that you toss the assailant a glare so fierce they take x damage.
Vengeance x7 Powered Etchings Rune Etched Axe will now Knockback other players and Knockdown monsters and decrease their movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds.
Vengeance x11 Greataxe Mastery When you are wielding a Greatweapon, your chance to parry is increased by 5% and all damage you deal is increased by 10%.
Stone x3 Furious Reprisal Shield of Reprisal
Stone x7 Oath of Vengeance Vengeful Strike will now also affect all other allies within 20 feet of your Oath Friend.
Stone x11 Shield Mastery Increases your chance to block attacks by 10%, and you take 5% less damage from all attacks while you are holding a shield.
Brotherhood x3 Avalanche When you disrupt an enemy's spell, your run speed will be increased by 30% for 5 seconds and you will recover x health.
Brotherhood x7 Punishing Knock Inspiring Attack will also Knock Down your target for 3 seconds.
Brotherhood x11 Told You So! Any time you critically hit an enemy, everyone in your group will gain 25 Action Points. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds.

Warhammer Online

This page last modified 2008-12-21 18:37:07.