FR Quest:What's for Dinner  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Counselor Wes in Greenwood Forest.
Counselor Wes says,"I love fishing! Of course, I volunteered to fish up dinner for everyone, but there's like, no fish here!

I'll lose time if I go to another fishing spot. Maybe you could help me with tonight's catch? "

Wes invites you to fish with him to catch enough for dinner.
This is a Combat quest. This quest is repeatable.

  1. Catch fish from the Sacred Grove Shallows
    • Catch Tickled Trout - 0/5
    • Catch Flutterfish - 0/5
  2. Return to Counselor Wes back at camp
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This quest is repeatable once per day during the event.

Closing Remarks

Wes says, "Well done! If you're up to the task tomorrow, let's go again!"

Rags to Riches Summer Camp
Quest Series
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This article refers to items, events, personae and activities only available in-game during the Summer Camp event.
In 2010, Summer Camp is scheduled to run from June 3rd through July 7th. (Introduced in 2010)

This page last modified 2010-06-05 00:01:57.