You must be at least Level 28 to open or receive this quest. See Elyos 28 for more quests that can be started at this same level.
† All quests reward XP but NCSoft is fond of changing the amounts frequently, to the point that it is simply not wise to try to track the exact amount in a wiki.
This is the Access Quest for Eracus Temple Cavern.
The Stoneshell Ksellids are level 30-31, non-aggro, and are plentiful in the canyon north of the Desert Mystic Spring.
Dune Basilisks are 19-30 and can be found in good numbers around the same Mystic Spring, and elsewhere in the desert.
Timesaver! |
This quest has steps, hunting areas, or mob targets in common with the following quest(s).
This page last modified 2009-12-28 20:52:28.