Kralkatorrik (GW2)  

Guild Wars 2
Kralkatorrik is the Elder Crystal Dragon, who is the most recent Elder Dragon to wake. It is a thousand feet tall and its wingspan easily blocks out the sun. It has the power to corrupt anything organic with its breath, including foliage. The dragon awoke in 1320 AE in Grothmar Wardowns within the Charr Homelands, where it was confused with a mountain; then flew south over the charr territory of Ascalon and the Blazeridge Steppes, creating the Dragonbrand in the process.

When Kralkatorrik flew, a terrible storm of black clouds and lightning was formed around its body. The lands under its flight path that was touched by its golden breath turned black and the plants and animals turned into crystalline life forms of their former self. Currently, it occupies the northern Crystal Desert, where it landed in the vicinity of Glint's Lair and the Tomb of the Primeval Kings. It is also one of the forces preventing movement into Elona for all except the Order of Whispers.

Kralkatorrik is often referred to as both a hurricane and a sandstorm and has the ability to create and even become the latter.

ZAM credits this article at Guild Wars 2 Wiki for some of the info in this article.
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This page last modified 2011-01-14 20:49:02.