Rift Achievement:I Wish I Had a Barrel  


There are 3 waterfalls in the Moonshade Pools area:

  • First: 7368, 1786
  • Second: 7347, 1849
  • Third: 7322, 1881

Beware of mobs!

Go the first waterfall and jump off into the lower pool. Heal up and fight your way (or dodge pending on your level) to the next waterfall edge. Jump off this waterfall and land in the next tide pool area. heal up and fight to the final waterfall. This is the longest drop, run to the edge and jump off. When you hit the water You'll more than likely aggro a mob right under the waterfall and you will gain the achievement.


Note: It has been debated that you only need to jump off the lowest waterfall (the third one). So far this is unconfirmed.

This page last modified 2011-04-13 00:11:49.