The Kerubim Threat (Aion Quest)  

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Elyos Campaign
Elyos Only
Cannot be shared.
Cannot be abandoned.
Start Zone: Poeta
Start Place: Akarios Village
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This quest is unlocked when you complete the previous quest in the chain, Mercenary Captain's Call.
Level 3 The Kerubim Threat
  1. Talk with Muranes.
  2. Defeat Smallhorn Kerub (0/5)
  3. Go back to Muranes
  4. Obtain Kerubar Fang (PW/AA) from Bigfoot Kerubar and bring it back to Muranes
  5. Meet the Mercenary Captain, Kalio.
Order: Kerubim are looting and pillaging Ager's Farm. Go find Muranes to receive your mission.
 Basic Reward
     Optional Reward (Select One)
    Other Resources: PowerWikiArmoryAiondbGoogle

    All quests reward XP but NCSoft is fond of changing the amounts frequently, to the point that it is simply not wise to try to track the exact amount in a wiki.

    Quest Notes

    The Kerubar Fang (PW/AA)s are an uncommon drop from Big Foot Kerub at Ager's Farm.

    Kalio's Call Elyos Campaign
    Quest Series
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    This page last modified 2009-09-10 11:40:38.