Fight on one side of room and when red text "The Core Guardian plants its feet as it prepares to fire a volly of short-range missles!". The best way to avoid the missiles is to be on the other side of the central orb when they go off. They get destroyed in its downdraft. Alternatively, the drones cannot cross the entire east-west width of the room. If you fight him on one side, and run to the far other side, the missiles will not reach you.
Click on ball in center again so you can get to the other 3 rooms
Occasionally you will see the red text "The Tank Module manipulates its magnetic field, attempting to whip you toward its energized companion!"
When you see the red text, run behind The Energy Delivery Module - his AOE is frontal and you will be safe behind him (don't try to run can't get far enough)
Now head to the East room
Use a death-prevent or similar (my SK used "Hateful Respite", which absorbs damage > 25%), and run through the gauntlet of spinning blade guys and kill the bladed custodian that follows you.
Use a death-prevent again while you kill the swarms of rippers - Don't let them get to you or you will take lots of damage (range them if you can)
As you fight Maligned Gyro, he will periodically spawn adds
This is a VERY EASY fight if you pull the named to one of the back side corners and wedge yourself in the corner. If you are in the corner, the adds won't hit you so you can just Tank-n-Spank the named.