Rixtar! I love the reverse trader idea!! Gimmee, gimmee, gimmee!!! It would rock to just sit down and say, I'm buying silks for 2p each! Leather padding 18p each! Metallic Liquids 5500p!! Rixtar's Idea... Priceless!
(Better targetting) There sort of is. I have mine set to the ~ key (next to one) it cycles through your last 2 or 3 targets. Its under keyboard in the options menue. not sure which catigory though.
I like the "toggle last two targets" feature. I have it set to the tab key. That doesn't really solve my issue, though. EQ needs to have a list of available targets, some next target / previous target keys, and a "Target Nearest Npc" that works reliably. I'm not asking for anything groundbreakingly new here. Almost every good game that deals with the notion of targetting has these features since Wing Commander, and that game's OLD. Plus, most of EQs competitors have this ability.
Here's a common scenario for the targetting problem. Puller pulls 3 mobs, all skeletons, which are a pain in the **** to click on anyhoo. When they are stacked, it's almost impossible to click on the individual targets. Since I can't target them in the first place, the toggle targets button doesn't work. I've gotten pretty good at it by now, and I even use different views to see if there is any way to separate them, but it's slow and clunky. I strafe around the mob glob using target nearest npc to see if I can get a target that way, and sometimes it works, but it's always slow and I just look silly running in circles. Usually, I get them targetted when they jump the cleric, but that is less than desirable. Whenever I do a hard adventure that we get two mobs pulled with the same model, there's about a 50% chance that someone's gonna die. Usually, everyone dies.
(A note system) also exists. Type /note in the chat bar. It clears when you log off though (I would like to see this made to stay)
The note system needs to stay around after you log off. Having notes disappear when you log off is almost as annoying as having your petition disappear because you logged off after waiting for a GM for 3 hours.
(In game email)
Again. You can do this (sort of), but you have to buy a program from SOE called EQIM (EverQuest Instant Messanger)
I want to be able to type,
/eqmail Timaeus I have 62 dire wolf tufts if you need them. I'll be on again Saturday about noon PST.
/eqmail Bronaa We're gonna try a hard adventure on Thursday night. We need a puller, if you're up to it. Meet in BB at 9pm PST.
Then when they log on, the league of Antonican bards can come up, smack them in the head, and give em the message. This would be SOOO valuable. EQIM isn't quite that useful to me.
You should be able to say /lfg on No BOT please. Then when someone says /who lfg it shoudl say:
(65 Coercer) Sinaerre [my guild] LFG *No BOT please
Like Tarv said. . . you can do this. Instead of typing "/lfg on"
just type "/lfg" it will bring up an interface for LFG which has many cool features including a place to type in your own requests "such as No BOT please" you can also look at everyone in your level range that is LFG at the moment and their class, level, where they are, and their notes. there is also a group looking for players feature in this window where you can tell other people that your group needs players and specify what type of player you want for the group.
I am aware of this, but most people don't open the screen. For the first two months after it was added, I'd put, "For the love of God, I'm really really sick of BOT. Please don't ask me to group there" Every 5 minutes thereafter, I'd get a tell along the lines of, "Come to BOT middle south group. You are replacing our chanter"
Admittedly, I never bring up the interface to look for group members... I always just type /who all cleric 63 65 lfg.
I've got a new one!! I wish you could see how manay aa's someone has in a /who. If I'm putting together a hard adventure group, I want certain aa's to be available. I currently have to ask ever ranger if they have EQ and AM3, but if I saw that they have 71 aa's, I wouldn't.
I kind of want to see numbers for mana that aren't percentages. I want to know how much certain items help, how much specialization helps, and I want to see when I have enough mana to cast c5 after a rez. As it is, I have to keep standing up, trying to cast, and sitting down...
Thanks for the comments. This is a wish list, and I realize I can get almost all of these things by just booting up another MMORPG, but I rather like everquest =).