I would appreciate any and all info on where/how to successfully camp Oceancrasher boat in Dulak. Our little family group has about run out of XP on the Dandy and thought that we would move to the Oceancrasher last night. Went invis and ran to deck of boat - no promblem. It looked basically like all the other boats - had a full spawn up and they seemed to be arranged about like the spawn on the Dandy. But - as soon as the enchanter became visible she was aggroed by 3 deckhands and was dead before any of the rest of us could respond, Of course an Enchanter doesn't live very long with 3 mobs on her, and we wern't expecting the aggro - oh well 96% rez after CR and we went to Skyfire.
Our group consists of a 55 Ranger (me), 2 56 Druids, a 56 Enchanter, and a 56 Cleric. Me, The wife, Sister-in Law, and a friend that has been playing with us for about 2 years. I feel like we can handle the boat - just need to know where to camp and dont really want to find out the hard way - even tho we do have our cleric to rez us.
Thanks for any and all input anyone may offer up.