You must talk to one of the Dwarven Paladin trainers in North Kaladim by the name of Brenthalion Aleslammer. It is indeed worth the effort to an untwinked player, providing quest experience, direction, a goal, and equipment. Or if twinked can be a bit of a fun side goal as they level.
Quoted from
Underfoot Defenders Platemail Breastplate Quote:
You say, 'Hail, Brenthalion Aleslammer'
Brenthalion Aleslammer says 'Lo dere Polunk! I be Brenthalion Aleslammer Holy Defender of Brell! I can see that ye found my temple of Brell that I have resided over for many years. I have been appointed by da King Kazon himself to make sure dat all our young paladins get da [training] dey need before dey go out to explore da world. Aye.'
You say, 'What training?'
Brenthalion Aleslammer says 'Ye see Polunk, learning all the correct fighting tactics along with learning your way around your homeland can be no easy task for a young one new to Kaladim. That is why I have developed a series of training exercises that help me monitor our young ones as they progress through the ranks of the Paladin on their path to true enlightenment! If you are a [young paladin of Brell] I would be happy to explain to you how the exercises work and I would also recommend that you take part in them!'
You say, 'I am a young paladin of Brell.'
Brenthalion Aleslammer says 'Well I would be lyin if`n hearing dose words didn't bring a smile to me face every time that I hear dem. First thing you will need a Magical Mail Assembly Kit that you will use to combine different magical items in that will create an armor material. Once you have created a armor material you can then take it to a forge along with a armor mold to fashion an armor piece. If you are able to collect all the items for them you will have the potential to make a full set of Underfoot Defenders Platemail! If`n ye are [ready to begin] collecting yer items I will be happy to give you your Magical Mail Assembly Kit and git you started!'
You say, 'I am ready to begin.'
Brenthalion Aleslammer says 'Excellent Polunk! Here is your Magical Mail Assembly Kit. Once you are ready to collect the items for a specific armor piece simply tell me what piece of Underfoot Defenders Platemail that you [want] to craft. I can provide you with the material recipe and enchanted armor molds for Underfoot Platemail [Helms], [Bracers], [Armguards], [Boots], [Greaves], [Gauntlets], and [Breastplates].'
Edited, Sat Feb 7 01:13:03 2004 by PsyoofXev