I've been playing from 1999 and have been off and on for several years now. I remember the days of the bazaar being the tunnels in West Commonlands or GFaymart. The game was new and fresh back then, the level cap was 50 and there was no such thing as AAs and the only focus effects were on the very few items such as the Rubicite BP and the magician summoning items. EQ was unstable then because of the server loads and SoE could barely keep up with the hardware requirements to support the ever growing population.
I was still playing at its peak, before the launch of WoW, and during its early decline after WoW went live. When my guild leader and good friend Wyztyz of Dragons Fist found out she was with child and started phasing out of playing, along with many of my other friends of not a few years, and guild progression stagnating due to lack of instancing (among other reasons) I myself kinda dropped out.
I remember coming back one year finding out Rodcet Nife had gotten merged to Quellious along with half the other servers. It hit me then that EQ was in its decline. WoW I believe, had taken a good chunk of the MMO player base and did a fairly good job of keeping it. I thought that merging the servers then was a good idea, I had been boxing toons for many years then, simply because I couldn't find groups and it was frustrating to play (though to be honest it was probably more my lack of skill at soloing with my necro) and was a fairly solitary player. I still am, though I do enjoy grouping with people, as I am lazy and just like casting spells and not having to go chase mobs or whatever.
Merging the servers now wouldn't hurt I think. There seems to be several now that have an extremely low population, I hear Sony won't release such information so I have to believe what I read. So maybe just the servers with low population could be merged? Bring them on par with the ones with highest populations perhaps.
Either way it won't really affect me a whole lot, I don't level my toons over 65 (except one) because I haven't experienced all the old world content that I want to yet. I three or four box with mercs because I want to, thought I don't really have to, like I said I'm lazy, I go pull something to my group and sit back and push my social macros and throw heals. Merging Quellious with another server might make it harder for me to find a spot all to myself, but then it will prolly make it easier for me to find groups. Its a glass half full half empty issue for me really. Also to be honest I don't think I've ever seen anyone LFG in any zones I've been in, so I think mercs are doing their job, but then again I don't go to high end zones so I dunno what things are like there...
In the end if my GL is wanting a server merge I'm all for it, I live in HST so server peak time has always been before I ever get home from work...
edited for clarity
Edited, Aug 25th 2009 3:45pm by Tnias
Jamae Mortea`mor
Necromancer of Rodcet Nife
Thunderbluff escaped shaman