The original post was just updated to reflect the last 6 years of comments more or less.
With the "Keys, Key quests and Flags up to PoP" thread now listed here there is a good chance (at some point) it becomes unstickied.
From my perspective there are some links listed here that don't rate "useful thread" status because they were originally put here for being the then-current endgame... example: Depths of Darkhollow progression. BUT... I want site user input please.
What do we want listed here (or taken out that currently is)? Feel free to post a link to a thread that you think should be here. If someone posts a good link please rate them up so we know the community agrees.
How do we want the information grouped (already getting a bit wall of textish with just "useful threads" and "site info" as the sorting rule)?
Lastly, at the end of this process shall I repost this as a "New 2015 version" so that there isn't dozens of replies spanning years?
I will let this sit for a few weeks and see what you all have to say. Thanks.
Edited, Oct 8th 2015 11:07pm by snailish