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#1 Nov 04 2012 at 11:51 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Haven't done it yet. Don't plan on it, ever, this xpac.

The burnout vs gear ratio is not worth it to me. I'm confidant my guild will clear content and me not doing LFR will not be the thing that holds us back ever. Maybe some hours could be shaved if I did LFR but again burnout vs gear ratio. I also feel gear is secondary to skill and experience. Skill and LFR have no bearing on each other and the fights are typically different to make LFR experience useless to encouraging bad habits.

So this xpac I say chutz to LFR.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 Nov 05 2012 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
I don't mind it. The time investment is not that big and it gave me two upgrades I could very much use already. But just like the dailies it's something that can be done to improve ones gear but isn't essentially necessary.
#3 Nov 05 2012 at 4:20 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
Other than the last boss, most groups I've been in have done ok so it's not been too much of a hassle. I'll keep doing it while I need the gear upgrades.
#4 Nov 05 2012 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I am like that with dailies.

I hate Golden Lotus dailies & being forced to do them for Valour gear is not enjoyable. I can't force myself to do them, so at best I do them 2-3 times a week. That has pretty much made it a reality that I am going to be raiding without valour gear. To hell with it, not going to burn myself out & really I am not pushing server firsts so do I need that piece of gear to down normal mode HoF, not really.

I enjoy Tiller & Angler dailies (with the exception of fatty goatsteak Smiley: glare), it is just a shame that they made the mandatory rep grind the most boring and slowest moving.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#5 Nov 05 2012 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Haven't done it yet. Don't plan on it, ever, this xpac.

The burnout vs gear ratio is not worth it to me. I'm confidant my guild will clear content and me not doing LFR will not be the thing that holds us back ever. Maybe some hours could be shaved if I did LFR but again burnout vs gear ratio. I also feel gear is secondary to skill and experience. Skill and LFR have no bearing on each other and the fights are typically different to make LFR experience useless to encouraging bad habits.

So this xpac I say chutz to LFR.


The nice thing about LFR is that you can get a general idea of what's going on, and experience it. I plan on doing at least one LFR before jumping in with a guild run. That way, I can see what's going on without holding up a guild run with the need for an explanation before every encounter.
I'm with you though, don't really care for it and I would much rather do the real thing with friends.
#6 Nov 05 2012 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
ACLinjury wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
Haven't done it yet. Don't plan on it, ever, this xpac.

The burnout vs gear ratio is not worth it to me. I'm confidant my guild will clear content and me not doing LFR will not be the thing that holds us back ever. Maybe some hours could be shaved if I did LFR but again burnout vs gear ratio. I also feel gear is secondary to skill and experience. Skill and LFR have no bearing on each other and the fights are typically different to make LFR experience useless to encouraging bad habits.

So this xpac I say chutz to LFR.


The nice thing about LFR is that you can get a general idea of what's going on, and experience it. I plan on doing at least one LFR before jumping in with a guild run. That way, I can see what's going on without holding up a guild run with the need for an explanation before every encounter.
I'm with you though, don't really care for it and I would much rather do the real thing with friends.

TankSpot can help with this. It is also part of the Zam Network.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#7 Nov 06 2012 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
I have to agree that the rep grinds/dailies are tediously essential as heroics have jack for epic gear. It feels like a slow grind gearing up, praying for a raid drop since grinding out valor is fixed.

As for LFR itself, ive been running all that i can and while burning an elder charm for a bonus loot roll is a nice change, I dislike that I've won 2 items twice. Two shards is spiffy, but id prefer gear i could use : /

And pleeeeeease, give me -something- else to spend lesser charms on. Nearing 1k atm and using only 90 a week is aggravating.
#8 Nov 06 2012 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
ACLinjury wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
Haven't done it yet. Don't plan on it, ever, this xpac.

The burnout vs gear ratio is not worth it to me. I'm confidant my guild will clear content and me not doing LFR will not be the thing that holds us back ever. Maybe some hours could be shaved if I did LFR but again burnout vs gear ratio. I also feel gear is secondary to skill and experience. Skill and LFR have no bearing on each other and the fights are typically different to make LFR experience useless to encouraging bad habits.

So this xpac I say chutz to LFR.


The nice thing about LFR is that you can get a general idea of what's going on, and experience it. I plan on doing at least one LFR before jumping in with a guild run. That way, I can see what's going on without holding up a guild run with the need for an explanation before every encounter.
I'm with you though, don't really care for it and I would much rather do the real thing with friends.

TankSpot can help with this. It is also part of the Zam Network.

Tankspot and Youtube are great to see the encounters, but it's one thing to see and another thing to do.
#9 Nov 06 2012 at 5:36 PM Rating: Good
220 posts
I sort of like LFR, simply because it makes me a better healer. I can almost always rely on lots of people who ignore mechanics or simply react to them very slowly, and it both teaches me how dangerous the mechanic might be and if/how I need to use cooldowns to negate it. It's also good to hone my snap decision making and reaction skills with 25 different bars to prioritize since my normal raid group is only a 10 man.

Burnout doesn't seem to be an issue for me personally, probably because each raid feels different as a healer. DPSing generally feels on rails for me...the mechanics don't change and the bosses don't suddenly do things they've never done before the way that players themselves can.
#10 Nov 07 2012 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
Blizzard more or less made that decision for me. My main is a tank and I get 90mins wait times when I want to LFR. So no LFR for me.
#11 Nov 07 2012 at 4:22 AM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Well did the new LFR this week, right away got put in 2/3, so i take it. My god this is the most PUG unfriendly boss there is, I forsee nerfs soon. Its not a difficult fight in theory but everyone has to actually work together.

This is how the fight goes. Boss Fixates on a person that needs to kite it around, while tanks stay in front to soak the cleave or it gets stacks of frenzy buff. While Dps needs to kill each leg that -3% of it Hp each time a leg dies (He heals them every once in a while), but be careful not to walk under it or it does a Crush move that damages the whole raid for about 125k. and One person in the raid gets a pheromone debuff that makes him pulse slow dmg(stack at 5k a tick, then like 7,10,15,20,25 etc.) to the raid and drop puddles that slow and dmg you if you walk on them, and this debuff starts stacking putting a debuff on the entire raid for extra dmg. You pass this debuff to someone by going near them that reset it, and pass the pheromone debuff to them.

How many things can go wrong, Well griefers will stand under him so he constantly crushes, or people just dont pay attention. Someone gets the pheromone and puts puddles everywhere, or stands in dps and it bounces everywhere. tanks dont stack or fixated person acts like an idiot and frenzy stacks to no end. Ohh yeah and if the person with the pheromone isn't careful and dies, the debuff just keeps stacking indefinitely on his body.

Its a Pug killer, as for the other 2 bosses i have no clue I qued for LFR on Heart of Darkness for 2 Hours canceling any 2/3 ones that popped and I never saw a fresh one. The worst part is you find a decent group that listens and seems to understand, but make 1 or 2 mistakes on the first attempt and wipe, then half leave so you explain to the new ones and they make mistakes and the other old half leaves so your constantly trying to explain, and people are making beginner mistakes then leaving. It's a Bitter cycle. The lowest i got it was 65%

Its not hard you just need cordination, which in LFR is like asking for world peace. I'm guessing Blizz is going to have to nerf it.
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#12 Nov 07 2012 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
LGarth wrote:
Blizzard more or less made that decision for me. My main is a tank and I get 90mins wait times when I want to LFR. So no LFR for me.

Sorry for the double post, get a dps from your guild to que with you even if they leave right away, makes your ques about 5-10 mins max, I ussually help out the tanks in my guild.
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#13 Nov 07 2012 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
I've ended up queuing as healer in my sub-par gear (445) on my main the couple of times I've ran LFR. Thankfully, the other healers knew what they were doing, as I was bottom or second last of the table for heals.
#14 Nov 08 2012 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
I very much doubt that I will get into PvE this expansion without Noc dragging me into it.

I mean I'll do scenarios, but I dislike the window-lickers that I get paired with in PvE.

That includes my guild; we had a guy ask if vent was necessary for raiding. Smiley: glare
#15 Nov 08 2012 at 2:19 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
That includes my guild; we had a guy ask if vent was necessary for raiding. Smiley: glare
You should try leading a guild. Every time I feel low, I go back and read threads archived on my old guild's forums. Then I can say "At least I'm not dealing with that anymore".
#16 Nov 08 2012 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Update: Rogue is Now Mystically Epic, Found a raiding guild and thanks to Daylight savings it moved me an hour ahead on the server so i can barely eek out raid times. I still havent completed LFR 3 on Warrior, But managed to ( after 2 hours of trying) get a Fresh raid and a few people actually knew the last fight and we cleared it all on rogue. The first 2 fights arent Pushovers but there not complete trainwrecks.

First LFR3 HoF or w/e it is, First boss is running to different platforms, and avoiding his moves not hard. (Very simplified) 2nd Boss is just stacking on the person that gets targets and avoiding tornados, but his last phase he makes a corridor that he sends 3 tornados down, and you have to run to the opposite side to dps him If you get caught by a tornado it does dmg and takes you back to the start. Kinda funny to see who fails at basic avoidence.
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#17 Nov 12 2012 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts wrote:

We’ve recently hotfixed the Raid Finder version of Garalon, reducing both his health and Furious Swipe damage. In addition, and also exclusive to the Raid Finder version of this encounter, Garalon's Crush ability now has a cooldown, and we’ve corrected an issue with his aggro radius to prevent players from drawing aggro until a player has entered a ring.

With regard to all raid difficulties, after further testing the encounter, we realized that certain abilities were having unintended effects. Blade Flurry, Inferno Blast and Sweeping Strikes were doing double damage to Garalon's body while attacking his legs, which was not intended. We are currently implementing a hotfix, which should take effect after realms are restarted, that will cause these abilities to do normal damage to the body while continuing to do double damage to the legs.

Told ya it was going to get nerfed.
Also If you ca find 2 competent people to do pheromones the fight is actually pretty easy. I cleared it on my warrior by sacrificing my dps to pheromone tag, kite. But I didn't trust the other people to do it.

Edited, Nov 12th 2012 2:38pm by BeanX

Edited, Nov 12th 2012 2:39pm by BeanX
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#18 Nov 12 2012 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
One competent person is enough.

Did this fight in LFR the other day and I just grabbed it, and anytime it went past 20 I would put it on the special kid out in left field. Once my debuff wore off I would take it off him. So much easier than normal.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#19 Nov 13 2012 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts

-In the Raid Finder version of this encounter, Garalon's Fury ability will now stack 5 times with a 15 second duration, and Pungency now stacks 20 times.
-In the Raid Finder version of this encounter, Garalon will not enter combat until a player enters one of the visible circles surrounding his body or legs, or performs a hostile action.
-Pets now correctly gain Weak Points when attacking Garalon's legs.
-Several abilities that deal additional damage to a secondary target no longer improperly include bonus damage provided by Weak Point when determining the damage dealt to secondary targets.


And now its a LFR friendly boss.

Edited, Nov 13th 2012 8:01pm by BeanX
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#20 Nov 14 2012 at 1:42 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
I bet he will keep breaking up many LFR groups nevertheless. Being in a 25man raid where only 4 DD break 30k DPS is quite disheartening. Do the people even try? And that's only what I can see on Recount. The healers and tanks won't be that much better.
While personally I like the concept of LFR it regularly makes me want to shatter my monitor with my face. Or vice versa.
#22 Nov 19 2012 at 7:07 AM Rating: Excellent
So I did LFR for the 1st time last night. 1st 3 bosses of Mogu'shan. Holy crap was it easy. I think within 30min we were done, and I (being tank) did NONE of the mechanics that you have to do in normal 10 man. Snagged some gear that upgraded 5man gear, so that was nice.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#23 Nov 19 2012 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
So I did LFR for the 1st time last night. 1st 3 bosses of Mogu'shan. Holy crap was it easy. I think within 30min we were done, and I (being tank) did NONE of the mechanics that you have to do in normal 10 man. Snagged some gear that upgraded 5man gear, so that was nice.

It's because even the randumbs know the raidwipe-mechanics by now. On the first day, feng the accursed was a real killer. people scattering in the hugging phse, staying in the group when they have that evil debuff and thus, killing people left, right and center

And lets not talk about Heart of Fear 2nd part on release day: 2 hours of wiping (and honestly, waiting for replacements after every 2nd wipe). In the end, we killed one boss and I walked out with gold (bad dropluck), more gold (coin didn't help either) and a hefty 150G bill from my favorite repairservice.
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