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Theifs and Ninjas ~BEWARE~Follow

#1 Nov 02 2010 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
I would like to take a moment, to explain, what happend to my Linkshell <Proxitus Arma> and its members. We had 2 players in our Linkshell, that had important roles for our members, Oroku was our leather/weaver, and the intent was to have him craft gear for crafters, and for Arch or Pug class, when oroku first joined me and another member (Stormy Mangham)we gave him at the least 80 inventory spaces between the 2 of us, worth of materials, thousands of shards,all to help him craft for the linkshell. And as he stayed in the linkshell our members where unhappy with the lack of crafting he did for the linkshell, he even complained whenever he had to stop grinding skill xp, to help a member, (E.I. make Dodoskin Workboots) even though all our members kept pooring all the mats he requested in to him that reached at the very least in value of 5,000,000 gil worth of Matierals. At the same time, I gave him the benifit of the doubt, and was just happy to see him gaining levels (I figured the higher rank he achieves the better gear he could make our members)... This person left our linkshell with our matierals, our shards, our crystals, to form a new LS with our matierals with Thevedis Foxbat. He is still on Besaid.
While Oroku Saki, made off with roughly 5,000,000 gil worth of mats.
Thevedis Foxbat made off with twice as much.. yah thats right, he was our alchemist, so he was our Cluster, Crystal, Shard Bank(Or atleast was supposed to fill that role) Our Hunters and Gatherers sunk all the crystals the recieved in parties, and cluster and gave it to him, to he could facilitate our crafters in the Linkshell, with enough shards to continue crafting. 10,000,000 gil, worth in mats he made off with, in Clusters, Crystals, Shards, Ahriman Wings, Puk Wings, etc. He left after i asked him to give back the Wing Glue Regeants we gave to him(he said he would have it done a week ago, and blamed not being able to do so, becuase our hunters did not supply enough mateirals to him to grind to lvl 31)And he still refuses to give back what is not his, Atleast 5 people I know of in our Linkshell have reported both these players for theft. And Enix Currently is doing an Investigation on them both. <Proxitus Arma> Can only hope that Enix will have a no tolerence approach, for players like these in FFXIV.
#2 Nov 03 2010 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
I am sorry to hear this. I would love to be one of those who is a dedicated crafter because I find it fun. The only reason I say no is that I would fall behind on my combat classes and if I couldn't be on all the time or decide to quit, I would feel so bad.

I hope things work out for u though. It pains me to see this happen.
#3 Nov 03 2010 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
I am sorry to say, but the entire situation explained here is 1 huge lie.

The whole story is that for the last 2 weeks, Myself and oroku have been crafting for the guild. We recieved mats, weh made stuff, we gave them stuff back.

The both of us NEVER stopped crafting, Oroku made all the gear that leather and weaving couyld make for every crafter and many of the battlecrafts in the guild.
I made well over 30,000 shards for the guild, most of which came out of my own pocket.

The night we left, this is what happened.

I logged on at 2am, i had been at work for 12 hours, i promised a guild member id log on and hand him some wing glue. I did this. Tarek Tawfik(the guy who posted this thread) came on and DEMANDED i stay on, and go into my retainer, and get tons of mats to him so that he could outsource the wing glue because he had to have it right then and there.
I told him I was logged off, I would do it in 5 hours when I woke up.
his response was, and i quote "you either do this now, or i will boot you from the linkshell, and blacklist you from every shell i know, and get you banned from the game"

Now, I have since made the wing glue, and I have not kept it for myself, many of the LS members have recieved it from me as of now, at least those who are not being total jerks to me.

All of this is blown out of proportion, and I seriously feel bad for anyone in his LS because it is really just a 12 year old on a power trip.

Tarek is running a crafting guild, while doing none of the work, and trying to reap all the benefits......

Also as far to money we made while in the was our personal materials we were using, we bought our own stuff, we made money off our own stuff, I never knew there was such a rule against doing that in the game.

Id also like to thank all the members of his LS, save the 2 or 3 who buy into his lies, that are STILL giving me and Oroku materials, and we are STILL giving them gear :) Yes, ninjas really do that dont they.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2010 11:54am by Vedis
#4 Nov 03 2010 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Wow , I had joined this guild to help each other out and with that situation where you said Foxbat took stuff. to me it was ok because it can easily be replaced!! its a GAME people get over it, Now my friend Oroku had nothing to do with it and u bring him out as a thief as well because he chose his friends side... well call me a theif now cause im leaving aswell, and if other members leave u gonna call them theifs!!?? you are so wrong your LS wont last long if you dont trust your fellow players! o ya btw the armor u made me is mine i poured my blood an sweat and 18 ranks of shards and mates for you so dont even start to call me a thief when after this message i will be leaving the LS, and if as you say they are theifs well i have not seen a dime being in this LS but most of u claim to be millionairs hmm, sounds a bit like greed, I had fun while it lasted see u all around! o and btw note the time this was posted to see when ill be called a thief aswell.
#5 Nov 03 2010 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
I'm a marauder, do I have to beware?
#6 Nov 03 2010 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
This happened a lot in WoW and I was hoping to not really see it in FF14.
#7 Nov 03 2010 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Bertlit wrote:
This happened a lot in WoW and I was hoping to not really see it in FF14.

it isnt happening in 14
this guy is making up stuff to get revenge on people who quit his guild, he doesnt even say who he is here for a reason

his whole thing since day 1 was telling some of us how if anyone ever left his shell hed make sure he would go out of his way to basicaly blacklist them from every other guild and make them look bad, and even try to get them banned

oh and to count now, 76 of the 160 or so glue has now been handed out to various members/former members of the LS, and more is going out soon as people get ahold of me for it(who havent gone total whack job on me and sided with tarek)

Edited, Nov 3rd 2010 4:05pm by Vedis
#8 Nov 04 2010 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Vedis wrote:
Bertlit wrote:
This happened a lot in WoW and I was hoping to not really see it in FF14.

it isnt happening in 14
this guy is making up stuff to get revenge on people who quit his guild, he doesnt even say who he is here for a reason

his whole thing since day 1 was telling some of us how if anyone ever left his shell hed make sure he would go out of his way to basicaly blacklist them from every other guild and make them look bad, and even try to get them banned

oh and to count now, 76 of the 160 or so glue has now been handed out to various members/former members of the LS, and more is going out soon as people get ahold of me for it(who havent gone total whack job on me and sided with tarek)

Edited, Nov 3rd 2010 4:05pm by Vedis

Not the same thing as in WoW? So the fact that someone shouts in trade how this one guy is a ninja and then says you do not know the truth, or the post on the forums with the response from someone in the guild or the person himself/herself saying that the OP is lying and this is what really happens, is not what is happening here?

I was not commenting on who was right or wrong when I said it was like what happens in WoW. I was commenting on how this has been brought to the forums and the argument has been brought out of the LS itself to the public.

Edited, Nov 4th 2010 4:07am by Bertlit
#9 Nov 04 2010 at 3:38 AM Rating: Good
886 posts
The only way either side can prove your claims is with screenshots. :s
#10 Nov 04 2010 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Bertlit wrote:
Vedis wrote:
Bertlit wrote:
This happened a lot in WoW and I was hoping to not really see it in FF14.

it isnt happening in 14
this guy is making up stuff to get revenge on people who quit his guild, he doesnt even say who he is here for a reason

his whole thing since day 1 was telling some of us how if anyone ever left his shell hed make sure he would go out of his way to basicaly blacklist them from every other guild and make them look bad, and even try to get them banned

oh and to count now, 76 of the 160 or so glue has now been handed out to various members/former members of the LS, and more is going out soon as people get ahold of me for it(who havent gone total whack job on me and sided with tarek)

Edited, Nov 3rd 2010 4:05pm by Vedis

Not the same thing as in WoW? So the fact that someone shouts in trade how this one guy is a ninja and then says you do not know the truth, or the post on the forums with the response from someone in the guild or the person himself/herself saying that the OP is lying and this is what really happens, is not what is happening here?

I was not commenting on who was right or wrong when I said it was like what happens in WoW. I was commenting on how this has been brought to the forums and the argument has been brought out of the LS itself to the public.

Edited, Nov 4th 2010 4:07am by Bertlit

ah ok

well whenever a child, and yes, Tarek is in fact, a child, is playing, they tend to take things WAY too far, and go on smear campaigns and throw fits when they dont get in their way(in this case, people leaving his precious uber guild)
It never fails, no matter what game it is in.
#11 Nov 04 2010 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
I missed FFXI drama so much ; ;
You guys make this game fun.
#12 Nov 04 2010 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
I prefer ffxi drama more to the drama in WoW. Heck I miss ffxi so much and which I had the time to start over in that game since I do not have a character anymore.
#13 Nov 05 2010 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
I'm completely out of this and don't intend to take any part in it but I once catched a shout in my log while I was in Gridania shortly after release denounciating this Tarek Tawfik for thievery. I wouldn't trust that guy in any way.

Take this for what it's worth.

Edited, Nov 5th 2010 8:48am by KarateKat
#14 Nov 05 2010 at 7:10 AM Rating: Default
lol he/she shouted for a skull eye patch, then i /tell how much would give me, he/she reply no more then 10k and can wait no hurry.

i was damn he/she must be dreaming or thinks that i got that skull eye patch free or something geez

#15 Nov 05 2010 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
991 posts
namasy wrote:
lol he/she shouted for a skull eye patch, then i /tell how much would give me, he/she reply no more then 10k and can wait no hurry.

i was damn he/she must be dreaming or thinks that i got that skull eye patch free or something geez

um, you must have misread something majorly
i was shouting for a teleport to Gridania, NOT a eye patch....
thats why i said 10k, and no more, and i wasnt in a hurry
#16 Nov 10 2010 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
To the Original Poster:

I hope you have learned a lesson here.

If you can't give something to someone without being pissed afterwords if they walk off with it then maybe you shouldn't be giving it in the first place. Never give stuff to someone online with the expectation that they will do something for you in the distant future.

#17 Nov 11 2010 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
Tarek Tawfik, huh? I don't know anything about this situation, but I will tell you he's the first person to make it on my blacklist. He was standing in Ul'dah earlier this week, endlessly trolling RPers in shouts. It was very rude and immature.
FFXI: Selyne, White Mage
Hume - San d'Oria - Rank 8 - Siren World

FFXIV: Rowyne Moonsong, Conjurer
Wildwood Elezen - Gridania - Balmung World

Free Company & Linkshell: Kindred
#18 Nov 11 2010 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
107 posts
monterrey4ever wrote:
I missed FFXI drama so much ; ;
You guys make this game fun.

*eats popcorn*
#19 Dec 17 2010 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
Seriously, I don't condone criminal behavior, but this game JuSt came out, and I'm sure you barely know these people you are playing with. IMHO., if you are willingly giving your stuff to people you don't know, and they take it, then you had it comin for being so naive. It's a freaking game.
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#20 Dec 19 2010 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
#21 Dec 30 2010 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
KarateKat wrote:
I'm completely out of this and don't intend to take any part in it but I once catched a shout in my log while I was in Gridania shortly after release denounciating this Tarek Tawfik for thievery. I wouldn't trust that guy in any way.

Take this for what it's worth.

Edited, Nov 5th 2010 8:48am by KarateKat

I remembered when he first started this game he was desperately trying to bribe people to take their bazaar stands in Gridania.

It is funny what I can recall sometimes XD
#22 Dec 30 2010 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Can we let this thread die lol

Tarek is gone as far as I can tell, his shell literaly fell apart.
#23 Dec 31 2010 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
He's gone? Goddamnit, how can we get lulz if all the colorful people leave?

That's what XI was all about....XIV needs more!
#24 Dec 31 2010 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,449 posts
LyleVertigo wrote:
He's gone? Goddamnit, how can we get lulz if all the colorful people leave?

That's what XI was all about....XIV needs more!

If there is something FFXIV doesn't need is more drama, whether related to the actual game (condition) or the players themselves.

No need to revive what was a dead thread either !!!
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