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What should I tip?Follow

#52 Jul 08 2008 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
307 posts
Check the prices for primal earths and primal waters and primal lifes. The difference between earth and the water/life, whichever is greater, is generally what an alchemist is giving up when they sell their transmute. It's typically 15-20 gold.

All primals and diamonds share a CD, but I believe arcanite has no CD anymore.
#53 Jul 09 2008 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
I'm one of those crafters Grollog was talking about. I usually offer to craft things for people when I'm in a city and see someone LF engineer, but I don't bother charging a fee or asking for a tip because quite frankly I don't need the money and it's generally more bother than its worth to me. Which is probably for the best because the highest tip I ever remember getting was something like 5g for crafting the Attumen scope :P

I don't use a % system to work out my own tips either. Most of my guildies refuse to take money for crafting, so on the rare occasions I need to ask someone else I just think of a tip that would make me go "Wow, thanks for the tip!" and put that number in. Usually the response is that they've never gotten a tip that big and that if I ever need (insert crafter here) all I need to do is /w them. So everyone's happy :)
#54 Jul 09 2008 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,945 posts
I'm one of those crafters Grollog was talking about. I usually offer to craft things for people when I'm in a city and see someone LF engineer, but I don't bother charging a fee or asking for a tip because quite frankly I don't need the money and it's generally more bother than its worth to me. Which is probably for the best because the highest tip I ever remember getting was something like 5g for crafting the Attumen scope :P

I don't use a % system to work out my own tips either. Most of my guildies refuse to take money for crafting, so on the rare occasions I need to ask someone else I just think of a tip that would make me go "Wow, thanks for the tip!" and put that number in. Usually the response is that they've never gotten a tip that big and that if I ever need (insert crafter here) all I need to do is /w them. So everyone's happy :)

I completely agree with this. When I respond to a trade chat request for an engineer, they usually ask me what I charge. I don't supply mats, so I say your mats, tip not needed. Sometimes they tip me very well, sometimes not at all. I make money easy enough in WoW, so I'd rather think I'm helping out a fellow player get something they needs rather than trying to take their gold.
#55 Jul 19 2008 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
226 posts
I couldn't read through all the replies, but just have to get my 2 cents in here....

Any time I've wanted to make money from doing enchants, I advertise it as such...

Doing X, X and X by X bank - My mats - 5g PST

Or Leveling up enchanting - Free X, X, or X - Tips appreciated - PST

OK... if i'm using the latter, and someone doesn't tip me... I can't rightly put them on ignore and act like they did something wrong, when I didn't say I was charging..> I said a tip would be appreciated. Same thing if the mats might have cost me 100g, if I don't say I'm charging X then I shouldn't get upset when someone doesn't tip me, or tips me 2g...

I've seen this bounced around 10 times since I've been on Alla, and I just don't understand.

IF you want a certain price from crafting/enchanting something from someone, it's a fee.

If you are leveling the craft, using your mats, and not charging... WHY GET MAD IF SOMEONE DOESN'T TIP YOU??? lol it just doesn't make sense.

Either plainly state how much you want, or deal with getting crappy tips. Period.
#56 Jul 19 2008 at 7:00 PM Rating: Excellent
It's obvious that people have different ideas about tipping, but what bugs me is when I ask what a good tip is and people say, "Whatever you want." Uhhh.

So the last time I tipped someone for something, it was a BS who made my arcanite rod. I didn't give him flack when he said that, because his main is lower lvl than mine, so he probably had no idea either. So I just tipped him 10% of the price of the mats that I bought on the AH, and he was very happy, even though he had rods on the AH selling for more than what I paid for the mats + tip. I got what I wanted for a price I was good with, and he got something he didn't expect. So, hey, let's be up front about this if you have an idea about the type of tip you want. Let me KNOW. Because I dunno. :)

But I must be on a good realm, because I can count on one hand the # of people I've ported for free (not including friends/guildies/groups after instances), and I've never asked for a tip. If someone's annnnooyyying about the port, though, I'll actually ask for a fee of 1-2g, depending on how annooyyying they are. :)

I've worked for tips before, in several different capacities, and, yeah, I know that's different, because it was my actual livelihood, but when someone mentioned tips, I had no qualms whatsoever telling them what was proper and standard. If I got stiffed, oh well, and if I ended up w/ that customer again, I might just snipe once about it, but a tip is a tip, and a fee is a fee, bottom line, period. And you absolutely cannot expect people to either a) read your mind or b) know what is proper, if they haven't been educated about it.

#57 Jul 22 2008 at 7:14 AM Rating: Excellent
184 posts
I generally tip pretty well. For a cheap item 10g or so, for a rare craftable 50-100g.


Money is easy but finding people to do things your guildies can't is hard. People remember good tippers and will always make/enchant your stuff.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 11:14am by Sweathog
#58 Jul 22 2008 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
546 posts
Sweathog wrote:
People remember good tippers and will always make/enchant your stuff.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2008 11:14am by Sweathog

This is very true as is the opposite. People tend to remember people who tipped poorly and may refuse to do subsequent enchants. This is really bad on some servers where only a very small group of people can do said enchant. So you might not think tipping is necessary but with that attitude there is a very good chance the enchanter will think enchanting your gear isn't necessary.
#59 Aug 11 2008 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
233 posts
If I'm after a certain enchant I will ask /1. After fiery weapon enchant. Have mats, will travel, tipping 2g (for example). If I get a whisper I know it's priced right. I may get a whisper saying to raise the price and then I have an idea. If no-one replies after a few mins I'll probably raise the tip and try again. At some point someone will be happy with the price and /w me. That way I know what a fair price at that time is.

These things are all relative. Some people might want to do it for skill ups and will do it for free. Others will get insulted. But this way I will usually find someone to do it.
#60 Aug 16 2008 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
277 posts
*double post*

Edited, Aug 17th 2008 12:08am by Chamual
#61 Aug 16 2008 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
277 posts
As an enchanter myself whenever I see an 'enchant wanted' request in trade, I respond '<enchant>, your mats + Xg fee'. The fee is 5-25g depending on the enchant. I do this because I got fed up of enchanting gear for people and getting no tip, and I set the fee depending on the enchant (25g is for the expensive AH brough recipes such as Enchant chest - Major resilience which cost me 700g to buy).

People sometimes won't pay the higher prices I say, to which I tell them they are welcome to go and find another enchanter with that recipe (things like Dexterity, Vitality, Potency, Executioner, Fortitude on boots, Intellect on 2-hander, that I had to farm or put effort in to learn).

People who say all an enchanter has to do is 'click a few buttons' are totally misguided. Sure, the act of enchanting is just clicking a few buttons, but the road to getting that enchant has been a long one generally involving a lot of gold and alot of working for those recipes (25ish runs of shattered halls Savagery for example).

If all it takes is to enchant something with a rare enchant is 'clicking a few buttons', do it yourself!!.
#62 Aug 26 2008 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
this is my take on the situation. I say what enchant I want I always have the mats with me and i put the tip i want to pay. If I get any takers fine if I dont I keep trying until I do. My most recent one's I had done were

executioner - tipped 25 gold
boar's speed - 10 gold

Just remember if you tip well you can make an enchanting friend for life.......but dont make yourself go broke.

#63 Aug 26 2008 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
as far as i know they are......I transmute and all the one's i have are around 20-24 hours
#64 Sep 09 2008 at 3:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
I'm probably in the minimal tipping camp, but then I never tip my enchanters (as I only ever get them from guildies).

As for the 'effort' put into getting certain recipes...

I didn't pick up enchanting to cater to the masses of dribbling imbeciles in trade chat (no offence :P), I picked up enchanting primarily to disenchant my own items, and that's mainly what I use it for.

If I do enchant for a non-guildie I would expect a tip, but I tend not to specify how much in advance (I'd expect >1g for a 'normal' enchant and anywhere from 5g up for a rarer one) anyone not tipping would probably get me grumbling at my bf about them and maybe make it onto my ignore list if I'm in a particularly bad mood (I really need to get a black list addon so I can remember why I dislike certain players).

To me, trying to sell enchants is a very minor part of the actual profession. I gave up selling them with mats a long time ago and with the changes implementation of inscription I probably won't even try and sell them to level with (assuming you get skill ups from enchanting scrolls). So to me performing an enchant for someone really is just about waiting around for them for a minute and then clicking a button. I'm happy with whatever they feel like tipping me.

Levelling up and grinding any rare recipes are something I've done for my own reasons, so I don't view it as a great service that I should make others pay for.

Edit to include recipes: I've never really farmed any, but I have Vitality, Resilience on chest, Excecutioner, Surefooted and Dexterity that I would probably consider to be rare. The only enchanting recipe I bought off the AH was Crusader, for around 300g shortly before BC hit, simply because it bugged me that it never dropped for me (that was a lot of money for me too at the time).
Any that I actively farm in the future will be for guildies or alts, so again I wouldn't expect a big tip for doing those.

Edited, Sep 9th 2008 7:50am by Tynuv
#65 Sep 09 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Tipping depends on the recipe for me, really.

I'll tip very handsomely as some recipes are VERY rare on my server(including having to go cross faction for some). Its all about the perceived value I'm getting from it I guess. If I want to ensure continuity and ease in the future for myself, I'll tip more. Other than the rarest of enchants, I now get all my enchants done by one of two people. I have always tipped them well because of the continued service they supply and the fact that they'll drop what they're doing to come help me now(or at the very least inform me when they can do it). I've even gotten them business from other twink guildies. I'm happy I've found an enchanter I can trust with any amount of mats and they're happy they have a regular well tipping customer.

Anything that requires a cooldown I'll gladly tip half of the increase in value(say for transmutes, going from a 4G item to a 20G item gets an 8G tip.) I think its fair because we're sharing the profit increase. If he's specced transmute and gets multiples, I believe those are his to keep. For cutting gems, I'll tip a percentage of the increase in value since they can turn around and do it again a second later.

Just remember kids, tipping isn't just about helping out the enchanter/transmuter/gem cutter whose getting you what you want. You can also help yourself by tipping generously and making a friend out of it.
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