World of Warcraft: Community

Losing a long-term guildie in World of Warcraft (or indeed any MMO) can be difficult to deal with. The player might have left the guild for another, further progressed, guild, or they may have left the game completely. Either way, it can be a struggle for those left behind, and in a game as old as WoW,  I’m sure it’s happened to all of us at some point.

Guild Spotlight: PirateLords

Here comes Guild Spotlight #2 where you get the chance to learn more about another of your potential allies or enemies, featuring PirateLords!

Long ago in a galaxy far far away......and yes, that is where PirateLords began, back in 2002 for Star Wars Galaxies. 3 friends had a vision - to create a guild to do one simple have fun.

The name PirateLords - based on the rumors that SWG was going to have a third faction based on the Hutts - was chosen for an original name that wasn't overused. The intent was to be space pirates associated with the Hutt faction, bounty hunters, smugglers and all the shady individuals that come with the territory. Today, out of the three friends and founders, only Crossbone remains, and has been a solid pillar of the PirateLord community.

With his leadership and his visions - the idea "to do more with less" has become the motive of the guild, and each day we strive to truly deliver on that line of thought through use of tactics, instead of sheer numbers.

Continue on to discover more about their history, philosphies and goals!

Commentary: Jena's Reckless Challenge Quest

Somnicide writes in with his commentary on a video featuring an instanced defense quest:

Now there are a lot of basic PvE videos of TERA on YouTube that I’m sure many people have sifted through. But one that stood out to me as interesting was this video of an instanced quest called Jena’s Reckless Challenge. The objective of the quest is to protect the NPC, Jena, from waves and waves of enemies for ten minutes. It is the first group quest you receive and can be completed with a group of 3-5. There is also a video of a group of two (priest and lancer) attempting the quest, but they were overrun at the end. It was a good try though.

Continue reading for the video and full commentary.

Commentary: Crowd Control

For our first community opinion sampling, Somnicide writes about crowd control:

"How much is too much?"

One of the biggest factors in a game’s PvP balance is crowd control. It is a notoriously controversial subject, and has spawned a horde of debates in various games. On one side, it is considered a skill-less or ‘faceroll’ tactic. And the other side sees it as a defining factor in high end PvP circles.

Here I’m going to discuss what CC (crowd control) is and what constitutes too much.

Guild Spotlight: Sunless

We’ve decided to start a regular content feature for Guild Spotlights. The purpose is to help the community get to know each other better and also to support it. Do you have a guild or team and want to be featured? Just get in touch with us at this forum thread and we can work out the details. We’re flexible on the format of it... it could be an interview, or some wall of text that you wrote up in advance, or maybe something else.

First up is Sunless, who had the beginnings of their formation with Aion and are moving on to TERA while attempting a different focus than before. They are a progress driven guild who ranked first in Abyss Points on the Aion Public Test Server, and plan to experiment with reducing their numbers in order to increase their level of intuitive teamplay across the board. The contents of their spotlight are provided by Luciferia, their guild leader and founder.

Read on to see their history, achievements, and future goals.