Double The Devotion!

Note from the Herald:
We got the word that people who had assisted with the Valentine’s Traditions quests last year could not help again this year, so our romantic heroes now want to make doubly sure that their ladies know they care. Players can now complete the Valentine’s Traditions quest a maximum of two times.

Valentine's Day

Ever want to play cupid, then check out the new Valentine's Day quests:
Valentine's day is just around the corner, and you might of noticed some little heart shaped mezzes above your heads over the weekend. Now it’s time to quest the quests of love. Old affections have been rekindled, new ones have been revealed, and the impish cupids are out in force, doing good and evil throughout the realms, all in the name of love!

Albion players above level 45 can visit Pondar Cully in the Academy to learn more about his lost love, and Sir Prescott in Cotswold is once again looking for players of any level who will help him express his true feelings to his Valentine.

Midgard players above level 45 can find Lailen in the Temple of Jotuns, he has a delivery task for you.  Hrolf in Mularn is looking for players of all levels who will help him express his true feelings to his Valentine.

Hibernian players above level 45 can seek out Harris MacCullogh in Tir Na Nog Castle and help him with his Valentine tasks. Rumdor in Mag Mell is looking for players of all levels who will help him express his true feelings to his Valentine.

Players of all realms can find the imp Russel near the gates of their capital cities, ready to offer some interesting tasks from the local imp's union.

Devon Update

Devon's woes continue:
It's 7:30 PM EST and Devon is now up and running for your gaming enjoyment. Thanks all! Go have fun!

Update 5:25 AM EST: Devon is up!

Please note: In order to resolve the Guild issues, there was no choice but to rollback to yesterday (Friday) at noon.

Our CS Department will not be able to assist you with the losses from the rollback. They would love to be able to, but they have no means to verify any claims of this nature. We're really sorry everyone.

Clustering With the Grab Bag

It's Grab Bag time over on the Camelot Herald, check out this weeks edition below:
Q. There's another guild on the other previous cluster with the same name - now that Devon is all together, is this going to be a problem for us?  Will we lose our guild?

A. We went to the one aptly named Code Red to answer this one: You will not lose your guild. Both guilds will continue to keep the same name.

Q. Last time when you clustered Killibury and Tintagel, you didn't have to take all of the servers down. Why did they all have to come down this time?

A. Code Red explains that clustering is not as easy as it appears: Clustering is a complicated process and in the interest of ensuring the integrity of all characters, guilds as well as housing data across all clusters we felt it was best to keep all servers down while clustering Caerleon and Devon.

Oh Devon...

Poor, poor Devon:
The login issues with Devon have been persistent, and they've been traced back to certain hardware. Our operations team is preparing to upgrade that hardware this afternoon to further address these login issues. Devon will be coming down at noon (12:00 PM EST) and we expect the downtime to be fairly short. We're shooting to return at 4:30 PM.

The good news is that while Devon was up last night, the numbers were great, which means that many of you were out there enjoying yourselves. Devon is showing promise as the new place to siege, despite a rocky start! We're really sorry to have to inconvenience everyone, but we're committed to making sure everyone's game play experience on Devon is enjoyable and consistent. We really appreciate you sticking around. Keep an eye here for news and updates as always.

Update: Our operations team is needing some extra time with the Devon cluster.  We now estimate that Devon will be up at approximately 9:00pm EST.

Joanne's First Grab Bag!

Joanne tries her hand on this weeks Grab Bag over on the Camelot Herald. This weeks Q&A's cover: siege weapons in TOA zones, stealth,  Vampiirs Determination,  and other gems. Read on to learn more:
Q. I have made a Level 50 Warrior, and I got him to Legendary status for Siegecraft. I can make any siege weapon and deploy it, but y’all forgot about ToA areas. There is one Artifact and a Master Level that needs a ram to make the task of completing it easier. When I tried to deploy a ram, I needed a siege tent and where do I put up a siege tent in Atlantis?

A. For this question, I went straight to the Lady of Jewels: There are still four rams that can be deployed without a siege tent. Anything below the level of “sturdy” works this way, so the makeshift siege ram, battered siege ram, worn siege ram, and siege ram can still be used for encounters such as Egg of Youth.

The Ring of Riddles

/drool, check out the stats on the grand prize in tomorrows Scrambling Scavenger Riddle Race! If you don't have plans for tomorrow afternoon, then be sure to log into Pendragon and join the scavenger hunt! Who knows? You may find yourself the new owner of this sweet, sweet ring!
Our Scrambling Scavenger Riddle Race event is tomorrow, February 2nd at 1:30pm EST on Pendragon.  Many players have asked us questions about the first prize; called the Ring of Riddles, so for those of you that might be wondering what you could win, here you go!

For more information about the Scrambling Scavenger Riddle Race and how you can participate for a chance to win the Ring of Riddles, please click here. We hope to see you there!

The Midwinter Festival Is Over

Bad news, the Midwinter quests have come to and end. Good news, less than 300 days until the Midwinter goodness is back again!
The Midwinter Spirits have packed up their tents and taken down their decorations, returning to the mysterious lands from whence they came. The Midwinter Madrigal, Trinkets for Tots, and Saving Midwinter quests have vanished with them. They will return again next year, around the same time. But don’t despair, we have new excitement on the way; this weekend brings the Riddle Race to Pendragon, and Valentine’s day is just around the corner. Keep an eye on the Herald for more details!

New Login Poll

Log in and vote gang!
We've put up a new login poll today about New Frontiers and it's territories. The next time you hop in game, you'll be asked to choose from several options that our Dev Team is currently discussing. For those of you that are unable to login right now, here is a sneak peek:

All Servers Coming Down

What a day! First the Devon cluster, then the Bossiney cluster, now all clusters are down:
I'm really sorry everyone, but we had to take Bossiney down because there was a problem with the chat channels not showing up properly. We're fixing it as quickly as possible and expect to be back up around 9:30 PM EST. Devon is also still down, and we'll update as soon as we have more info on the status of these clusters. Again we're so sorry for the inconvenience.