Rock Offers Free EVE Trials on Gaming Laptops

If you're in the market for a new laptop and want a 30-day free trial of EVE Online, you may want to look into one made by Rock, a European gaming notebook manufacturer. Rock has partnered with CCP to put pre-installed trials on all of its laptops sold in February and March.

“With overlapping audiences, our partnership with Rock is highly synergistic in that rock Notebooks run EVE Online with our graphics turned all the way up, enabling Rock customers to experience the gameplay and art of EVE as it was meant to be,” Magnús Bergsson, CCP's vice president of sales, said in a press release. “Through this partnership, both CCP and rock will be able to further expand their audiences. We’re thrilled to work together.”

Here's some specifics on some of Rock's laptops, from the portable Pegasus line to the powerful Xtreme notebooks.

EVE Web Sites to Undergo Changes

There's a ton of stuff going on in the EVE Online universe right now. Days 3 and 4 of the Sixth Alliance Tournament just wrapped up in preparation for the upcoming finals this weekend, and you can watch videos of the matches on YouTube. Apocrypha, the 10th free expansion, will launch on March 10 to coincide with the game's release as a boxed product in stores. And now, CCP Capslock has announced the EVE Web sites will soon undergo some changes to give users access to better tools and information.

Firstly we will be merging the main EVE website and the MyEVE websites together. Both of these URLS will continue to function but there will only be one physical site behind them. ... At the same time as we are merging these sites, we will begin a process of cosmetic improvement as well. This will start small, with a new menu system but will eventually culminate with a full rebuild of the look and feel of the site. The sites, and will become much more focused on their individual roles and will become true sub sites as opposed to copies of the main EVE site.

According to Capslock, these changes are just the first of many to the sites. Check out the full post here or below.

EVE to Get New NPC Race

Everyone loves variety. That variety may be in smaller doses for some and larger doses for others. Everyone likes change, especially when it's from the creators of one of the most original, awe-inspiring massively multiplayer games currently in the business, EVE Online. Over at their developer's blog they discuss some of the newest changes being made with the upcoming release of Apocrypha.

"We have been observing the current strength scale between players and NPCs with watchful eyes for quite some time now. More often than not, PvE interactions in EVE are quite limited, merely consisting of watching the NPC explode after a few volleys. We are not satisfied with that... That is why for Apocrypha, we are unleashing an ancient race into the universe: the infamous Sleepers, lurking throughout the vast unknowns stretching at the other side of the Wormhole maws. Do not underestimate them, as they will remain radically different from the regular pirate factions you are used to."

If you play EVE, this is some exciting news. The introduction of a completely new race into the story arc brings not only a fresh-side to PvE in the game, but it also forces all of the players to re-think their current strategies in terms of all NPCs. They just never give up on innovation over at CCP Studios, and soon we shall see just what all the hubbub is about.

EVE Online Update: Patch [1.27.09]

Today marks the beginning of the end of EVE Online normality. Of course we are referring to the release of a new patch. With it, they are preparing us for what is to come: New ship technologies, new systems to explore, new NPCs and all new stories are due, with the upcoming release of their latest expansion, Apocrypha. Downtime is scheduled for 6:00 AM EST until 7:15 AM. This release also contains their new Redeeming System, slated to make paying for your online game-of-choice a secure breeze.

Redeeming System Added to EVE Online

Quantum Rise 1.0.5 was deployed today and it brings with it the new redeeming system.

The redeeming system allows players to take advantage of special offers made available by CCP and affiliated companies. In this release, the redeeming system will allow for game time credit to be purchased via the Secure EVE Online website in the form of 30 Day Pilot License Extensions (PLEX). More information about the use of PLEX can be found here.

You can read the full patch notes, which also contain some minor fixes, here or below.

EVE Online Gets New Exploration System

Not wanting to vary from their completely immersing story and feature additions, EVE Online wrote today in their development blog about how they are going to add a whole new aspect to the game, with wormholes.

Wormholes will bring us to this new frontier, appearing all over New Eden as a result of a cataclysmic event, the nature of which we'll reveal in the coming months. These wormholes are unstable and will spawn and vanish randomly throughout the known universe. A pilot who stumbles across one of these stellar phenomena can fly through it and travel to unknown space, where there are no stargates or stations, just the unexplored void of a new solar system.

This is an exciting development that will tie into their story seamlessly. One has to wonder where they get so many innovative ideas but they continue to surprise everyone with the way they keep the game interesting.

6th Alliance Tournament Kicks Off Today

The Sixth Alliance Tournament is here ! This massive PvP tourney comprised of 64 teams will go on for the next three weekends. Today and tomorrow are the first round of qualifiers, so it's a great time to get in on the ground floor of all the action. Matches start at 3 p.m. GMT both days and go until around 9 p.m.

For the first time the qualifying rounds will be available via an audio broadcast. We'll have our commentators in place to give you the action as it happens live via Eve Voice in the in-game channel "Alliance Tournament".

If you can't get log in, you can still listen to the commentary on, and The second round of qualifiers is on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. The finals on Feb. 7-8 will be televised. More infomation and discussion can be found in the official tournament forum.

Newest Issue of E-ON Magazine Now Available

In case you weren't aware, there is a quarterly, full color magazine devoted to EVE Online called E-ON. If you're interested in picking up a copy, now's the perfect time. The newest issue, #014, comes out today.

The newest issue of E-ON magazine is out and this issue is full of goodies for all you EVE Online fans. Curious about Tech 3? E-On gives you scoop on EVE Online: Apocrypha's customizable Tech 3 ships and wormholes. Missed Fanfest 2008? Blogger CrazyKinux shares his impressions as a first-time attendee.  Be sure to check out new profiles, reports, the definitive made-up history of RoXoR, and more!

You can order the newest issue or back issues here.

10th Expansion Apocrypha Set for Release March 10

CCP announced today that the 10th free expansion for EVE Online, entitled Apocrypha, will be released on March 10 as a free download. That's the same day EVE will be released as a boxed product through a partnership with Atari. Of course, Apocrypha will be available in the retail box, as well.

The fabric of space itself will be transformed as vast, unpredictable wormholes open to connect previously unexplored regions of the universe to the stars of New Eden. The seeds of advanced new technology await inside of these cosmic anomalies for those brave enough to explore them. This infusion of technology will enable production of the most dynamic vessels ever – Tech 3 modular ships with an astounding amount of customizability that can fill any role from skirmish muscle to industrial support.

Also, NPCs will assign Epic Mission Arcs to pilots willing to take on the task, and CCP has reworked the New Player Experience for players entering New Eden for the first time. You can read all about the expansion here or below.

New Record: 45,186 Users on at Same Time

When MMOs start to hit the 5-year mark, there's always a concern that players may start to wander away from the virtual world. Well, it's actually the exact opposite with EVE Online. CCP announced today that they've just hit a new record for peak concurrent users at 45,186!

While we've made tremendous serverside changes in the EVE Online infrastructure with the EVE64 and StacklessIO initiatives, it is truly a testament to our loyal fans that 5 years into EVE's existence we are still breaking records and more people are flying in New Eden than ever before. We know we'll be trying to find leftover champagne from New Year's EVE to celebrate. When we do, we'll toast to you!

It's great to see so many players online at the same time in New Eden. Congratulations to CCP and the EVE Online team, and we hope that record continues to be broken.