Neverwinter Monster Manual

If you're a Dungeons & Dragons player, you know that the Monster Manual has long been a go-to reference as a dungeon master. Cryptic is making sure that resource lives on in Neverwinter, and they've issued an update to their own Monster Manual -- today we learn about Ogres and Goblins!

Neverwinter: Jewel of the North


Every city has stories to tell, but few could possibly be as wrought with catastrophe and turmoil as Neverwinter.

In the latest video from Perfect World and Cryptic, the sprawling city is toured with a mind to its past and the current dangers that lurk throughout. From Lord Neverember's struggles in the Protector's Enclave to the rebellion stewing in Blacklake District, there's a lot to be wary of with each district having it's own array of challenges for adventurers.

Neverwinter: Beta Weekend Two Impressions

I'm a bit of a D&D nerd. I may not have quite as many years of experience with the game as some other folks reading this site (my first pen-and-paper game was a 3rd Edition campaign in college), but I love the game all the same. When Dungeons and Dragons Online came out, I thought it would be a perfect match for me, since it was an MMO set in Eberron and I'm a sucker for Warforged. Unfortunately, the game failed to grab me - the mechanics didn't click with me enough to switch from World of Warcraft and I didn't care for the art style. Fast-forward seven years and we have another D&D-based MMO in front of us, this one set in Neverwinter and the Forgotten Realms. Will this game fix the issues I had with DDO? Will it do justice to the setting and provide some of that world-building aspect that people love from the pen-and-paper game? Will it be filled with four million Drow named XxDrizztxX or some variant of that? After two beta weekends, I'll say yes, yes, and yes unless they (hopefully) ban those upfront.

Exclusive: Neverwinter Control Wizard Video

During last weekend’s Neverwinter beta, we got the chance to go hands-on with the Control Wizard. This ranged caster class is adept at keeping foes at a distance, while providing fast-paced and fluid combat that’s hugely engrossing.

But don’t take our word for it! Courtesy of developer Cryptic and publisher Perfect World, we can exclusively reveal the introductory video for the Control Wizard. The glorious destructive power and teleport-based mobility are shown off to great effect in this quick look at the class. 

Neverwinter: Beta Weekend in Video


Did you get to play Neverwinter this past weekend?

Thousands of players jumped in game over the past few days to get their hands on the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons MMO from Cryptic and Perfect World.

Among them were Gareth "Gazimoff" Harmer, Michael "Ragar" Branham and HimvsHer who all streamed the fun and frolics on ZAM's Twitch channel.

Gareth gave an overview of the newly available to play class, the Control Wizard, from character creation and onwards.

Neverwinter heading to PAX East

Perfect World Entertainment Inc. has announced that its highly anticipated MMORPG release, Neverwinter, will make a major appearance at PAX East this year in Boston, Massachusetts, from March 22 to March 24. If that's not enough to get you excited, then prepare yourself for more... ARMORED SPIDER MOUNTS! 

Neverwinter Dev Blog Provides Details on Mounts

Today's Neverwinter developers blog gave us some details on mounts and ZAM has kindly summarized what we think are the finer points for your reading pleasure. Did we mention GIANT ARMORED SPIDERS?!?

Orcs In Neverwinter Trailer

With release fast approaching – pitched for early 2013 – the folks over at Cyptic are keeping the hype-train running with constant teasers. Today's release comes in the form of big ugly, smelly Orcs, and intense flurries of action with lots of red circles. 

Neverwinter Guardian Montage

Yesterday a video showcasing the Neverwinter guardian class was posted. For forty four seconds we are able to see the guardian in all its glory, charging, slicing, and shield bashing the whole time. I was able to dabble with the guardian during the recent weekend beta, definitely one of the more fun tank classes I have played. Their ability to dish it out and soak it up is impressive.

Neverwinter: Mount Hotenow Erupts


Anyone who took time to have a chat with the local town crier in Protector's Enclave this past weekend, will know that Mount Hotenow is a looming threat to the inhabitants of Neverwinter.

Those fortunate enough to have snagged a spot in the first closed beta event, will have seen signs of the ongoing rebuilding after the eruption from the massive fiery menace.

Today, Cryptic and Perfect World have unveiled more details about Mount Hotenow with a series of screenshots, an outline of the zone and a preview video.