SOE Answers Questions at PlanetSide 2 Panel

Creative Director Matt Higby (left) and SOE President John Smedley talk about PlanetSide 2.

Members of the PlanetSide 2 team held a panel this morning at SOE Fan Faire to discuss the newly unveiled game with fans. While the introduction contained similar information to the press conference we attended last night, a few interesting tidbits were revealed during the Q&A session. Topics covered include friendly fire, multiple servers and mobile apps.

Keep reading after the jump for a rundown of the Q&A session at today's panel, and be sure to read our overview of the PlanetSide 2 details for all sorts of information on the upcoming MMOFPS!

PlanetSide 2 Details Revealed at Fan Faire

Sony Online Entertainment unveiled PlanetSide 2 at the Fan Faire community address last night, and we had the chance to attend a follow-up press conference with members of the team to get more details on the upcoming game. SOE President John Smedley and PlanetSide 2 Creative Director Matt Higby emphasized that the game is a true MMOFPS full of huge battles in a persistent world. “The number one design goal is to deliver on massive warfare,” Higby said.

Keep reading after the jump for a rundown on all of PlanetSide 2’s features!

UPDATE: The day after this press conference, the PlanetSide 2 team answered questions from players at a Fan Faire panel. After you've read this article, be sure to check out our overview of the PlanetSide 2 panel for even more details!

ZAM's Fan Faire Community Address Recap

SOE Fan Faire kicked off with a bang today thanks to a handful of newsworthy announcements from CEO John Smedley and other members of the Sony Online Entertainment team that were made during the opening community address. PlanetSide 2 was the biggest reveal, followed closely by details on the EverQuest and EverQuest II expansions that are launching this November. Also, SOE is launching new security authenticators to help players protect their accounts.

Keep reading after the jump for all of the details we learned during the community address, and keep an eye on ZAM for more Fan Faire news!

SOE Launches PlanetSide 2 Countdown, Facebook Page

A few hours ago, Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley tweeted two very important links for PlanetSide fans that point readers to the new PlanetSide 2 site and Facebook page. According to the counter on the site and the welcome message on the Facebook page, we can expect to hear "classified information" regarding the game on July 7 at 7 p.m. PDT.

So what's happening at that time? That's when Smedley is giving the Community Address at Fan Faire! Looks like we'll be getting a major PlanetSide 2 announcement at the convention this week, and members of the ZAM staff (including yours truly) will be there to cover it all! Stay tuned to ZAM for PlanetSide 2 details straight from the Fan Faire floor.