PlanetSide 2 launches new site & beta sign-ups

New websites make everyone happy! PlanetSide 2 has officially launched their new site layout, and they've even included easy access to sign-up for their beta and newsletter. Head on over to check out all the new informational goodies to be found, and let's hope for some closed beta action next year!

PlanetSide 2 Empire Brief: Vanu Sovereignty

Do you love technology? So much that you might marry your Nintendo DS like that one guy in Japan? Well, first you might want to consider toning it down a bit in public (please stop making out with your game), but then you might want to consider joining PlanetSide 2's Vanu Sovreignty! These guys are all about being "blessed" with the gift of technology left behind by "The Ancients." Sounds crazy, but so is marryng your Nintendo DS, so there we have it.

Anyway, take a read of PlanetSide 2's Vanu Sovreignty highlight to see what firepower they're packing.

PlanetSide 2 Reveals New Conglomerate Faction

"The New Conglomerate value freedom above all else and see anything that encroaches upon freedom as an affront to their fundamental rights." The opening words for PlanetSide 2's manifesto on the New Conglomerate faction that will be one of the three factions fighting in PlanetSide 2's power triangle.

From a gameplay perspective, the N.C. are focused on power over finesse, so many of their weapons will have "strong kick, long reload times, and slower firing rates." Personally speaking, I'm more curious about the Vanu Sovreignty than anything, but whoever gives me an explosive sniping shotgun first will probably get my money. Take a read over at the PlanetSide 2 page!

Marv Wolfman to Re-Imagine PlanetSide 2's Story

PlanetSide 2 Creative Director Matthew Higby just announced that legendary comic writer Marv Wolfman is working with the team on the re-imagining of the game's lore. Wolfman also helped craft the story for Sony Online Entertainment's DC Universe Online.

Wolfman has been a staple at both Marvel and DC Comics since the late 1960s. He created Nova and Blade for Marvel in the '70s, as well as co-created the Black Cat. In the '80s, Wolfman returned to DC, which is where his career initially began, and penned the famous Crisis on Infinite Earths mini-series. He also launched the New Teen Titans and co-created Raven, Starfire and Cyborg with artist George Perez, as well as wrote for the recent Teen Titans animated series that lasted five seasons. Wolfman even created Tim Drake, the third Robin.

Higby said they're re-imagining PlanetSide's lore because they "want to bring more depth and focus on to the story of what Auraxis is, how humanity discovered it, how they were stranded there, and ultimately how all hell broke loose and the epic unending battle for supremacy began." SOE plans to release the first three chapters of the PlanetSide 2 story on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week.

PlanetSide 2's Second Comm-Link Covers Art Style

As promised, Sony Online Entertainment just kicked off its Art Theme Week in PlanetSide 2 with a new Comm-Link article by Senior Art Director Tramell “T.Ray” Isaac. He explains how the team created "visual opposition" between the Terran Republic, New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty factionsby focusing on colors and shapes.

  • Terran Republic: Their shape is the circle, and their color is red. Their design is refined and sophisticated.
  • New Conglomerate: Their shape is the square, and their color is blue. Their design is worn, but maintained.
  • Vanu Sovereignty: Their shape is the triangle, and their color is purple. Their design is technologically advanced.

You can view images of some faction ships after the jump. Don't forget to tune into Stickam on Sept. 29 at 4 p.m. PDT and the @PlanetSide2 Twitter on Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. PDT for more art details!

PlanetSide 2 Team Will Focus on Art this Week

A couple weeks ago, Sony Online Entertainment kicked off the PlanetSide 2 Comm-Link series to introduce players to the development team. This week they plan to "brief the troops on anything and everything related to the art of PlanetSide 2!" Here's the schedule:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 27: Senior Art Director Tramell Isaac's Comm-Link article will go into detail about "his past experience, the original PlanetSide’s legacy and influence on PlanetSide 2’s art style, and how SOE’s powerful ForgeLight engine will carry this vision forward."
  • Thursday, Sept. 29: Tune into SOE's Stickam channel at 4 p.m. PDT for the second PlanetSide 2 webcast. "Join host Linda “Brasse” Carlson for interviews with Art Director Matt Broome and Senior Art Director Tramell Isaac, including discussion of images showing the evolution of the art style."
  • Friday, Sept. 30: Follow @PlanetSide2 at 4 p.m. PDT on Twitter to participate in a Q&A with the development team.

Matt Higby Kicks Off PlanetSide 2 Comm-Link Series

From left: Creative Director Matt Higby, Technical Director Ryan Elam, Senior Art Director Tramell Isaac, Executive Producer Joshua Hackney

The official PlanetSide 2 site just received its first news update, and its a Comm-Link article from Creative Director Matt Higby. After introducing himself and outlining his prior experience at Sony Online Entertainment, he explained that the Comm-Link series will be "a place where we plan to deliver news, assets and information to keep you involved in the PlanetSide 2 development process."

Higby took this opportunity to introduce three other members of the PlanetSide 2 team: Senior Art Director Tramell "T-Ray" Isaac, Technical Director Ryan "Forge" Elam and Executive Producer Joshua Hackney. He ended the article by outlining the team's goals for PlanetSide 2, which is basically to make "the ultimate online FPS experience."

To keep the PlanetSide 2 news coming, SOE will be hosting the first PlanetSide 2 Webcast tomorrow, September 15 at 4 p.m. PDT on SOE's Stickam Channel. Join host Linda “Brasse” Carlson to chat with the members of the development team!

Smedley Hints at PlanetSide 2's Free-to-Play Model

Following some confusion regarding a translated PlanetSide 2 interview with Chinese gaming site, SOE President John Smedley responded to PlanetSide Universe to clarify some comments on the payment model, beta, crafting and more. Perhaps his most notworthy clarification is in regards to the game's free-to-play aspect:

"The game will be F2P. What form will it be? We're still working that out. But here's a hint - we like League of Legends a lot."

Smedley told us at SOE Fan Faire in July that the game would have a free component, but it's interesting to hear that they may be leaning toward the League of Legends model.

As for Smedley's other comments, he says the beta could be held late this year or early next year. He also confirms that there are no plans to put anything like Diablo III's real money auction house in PlanetSide 2. Regarding crafting, their long-term goal is to have players be able to make weapons, but that won’t be available at launch.

PlanetSide 2 Images Released at Gamescom

Sony Online Entertainment released a new batch of PlanetSide 2 screenshots at Gamescom. You can view them all in our image gallery, or simply click on the above screenshot.

We got all sorts of PlanetSide 2 details straight from the team during the game's reveal at Fan Faire last month. Creative Director Matt Higby emphasized that the game is a true MMOFPS full of huge battles in a persistent world.

New PlanetSide 2 Screenshots Released

Our friends over at PlanetSide Universe noticed that The9 Vice President Tony Park has posted a couple new PlanetSide 2 screenshots on his blog. The9 is the Chinese publisher of PlanetSide. Check out the images below and click them for the larger versions.

We got the chance to learn all about PlanetSide 2 at Fan Faire during a press conference and panel. We're certainly looking forward to this MMOFPS, so we'll keep our eyes peeled for more details as they emerge.