PlanetSide 2: Time Lapse Weapon Design

Senior Artist Roel Jovellano take us from conceptualization to completion for one of PlanetSide 2's large weapons in this time-lapse video. It's a must watch video for any aspiring artist as it gives an in-depth look on techniques that can really bring your art to life! 

PlanetSide 2's Terran Republic Weapon Showcase

Guns! Guns galore! PlanetSide 2's latest updates are highlighting not one, not two, but three individual Terran Republic Guns. First there is the Mini Chaingun (featured top), which SOE notes is the "strongest close range weapon in the Terran Republic's arsenal." Following that is the Cycler ARV (featured mid), also known as the Cycler Automatic Rifle Variant, which has been modified to hold up to 100 rounds with a little more power at a loss of accuracy. Finally, there is the Cycler (featured bottom), a mid-ranged rifle that features "a good balance of damage output, range, and accuracy." Looking good, SOE!

SOE's Community Webcast talks PlanetSide 2

On this week's SOE Community Webcast, PlanetSide 2 Creative Director Matt Higby talks with Game Designer Kevin Moyer and Sr. Art Director Tramell Isaac about the Nanite Systems Vehicles. They also answer some of your questions from Twitter and PlanetSide Universe while revealing new information about the Sunderer, the Lightning, the Liberator, and the Galaxy. 

PlanetSide 2 Weapon Previews: The Repeater Pistol

3-round burst. 15 round magazine. All repeater pistol. SOE is showcasing some of their sweet weaponry to come in PlanetSide 2, although today's focus is a little less than impressive. The Terran Republic Repeater Pistol is a fairly basic sidearm, save for the fact that it fires bullets in 3-round bursts. At least it looks nice. Hopefully we'll get to some of the cooler guns next week.

The Top 5 Important MMOs of 2012: PlanetSide 2

Check out ZAM's other Top Five Most Important MMOs of 2012:

If 2011 was the year of blockbuster RPGs and FPSs, then 2012 will certainly be the year of MMORPGs and online games. With almost a dozen highly anticipated titles confirmed to launch in 2012, there can be no doubt that this year will be a revolutionary one for MMO gaming. That being said, not all of you will have the time to check out all of these big releases, so ZAM has compiled a list of what we consider to be the Top Five Important MMOs of 2012. In this top five series, we'll be looking at some of the most innovative titles of 2012 and why you should keep a close eye on them. Today ZAM Editor-in-Chief Chris "Pwyff" Tom will talk about... PlanetSide 2!

As far as MMOFPSs go, at some point or another, everyone has to look back to the granddaddy of them all… SOE's PlanetSide. PlanetSide was a remarkable game for its time, and it continues to be a rarity, all the way to 2012, as it is one of the very few large-scale MMOFPSs that truly showcases the MMO part of its name. Where most first-person shooters were opting to scale battles to 6v6s or 12v12s, PlanetSide threw all of that out the window and decided to shove up to 399 players onto a single map at a time.

PlanetSide 2 Vehicle Reveals: The Galaxy

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... heavily armored air transport that can fly into enemy air space and drop up to 12 soldiers!

A little bit of a poetic stretch, but PlanetSide 2's latest revealed Common Pool Vehicle from Nanite Systems, dubbed "The Galaxy," looks a bit like a mash-up of a duck and a plane, so there's some merit to using this line. Regardless, the Galaxy will play a major role in PlanetSide 2's large-scale operations, as it carries nifty respawn tubes and equipment terminals, thereby allowing 12-man squads the ability to take this bad boy into enemy territory. Once there, the Galaxy can be deployed with static defences, thereby allowing it to become a forward base for aggressive tactics. Is it just me, or does the thing look like a flying tub?

PlanetSide 2's Common Pool Vehicles: Sunderer

It's time for yet another Common Pool Vehicle reveal from Nanite Systems and PlanetSide 2, and today it's... the Sunderer! An armored 12-man truck designed to push through enemy lines to deliver medical supplies and ammo, the Sunderer is a big 'ol bully on the battlefield.

In the PlanetSide 2 reveal, it's noted that the Sunderer's "powerful engine and heavy mass also allows it to push any other vehicle out the way, including tanks," which is something I sincerely hope is true. Pushing vehicles around? Going where you please? Excellent.

PlanetSide 2's Common Pool Vehicles: Liberator

Who doesn't like to hear "capable of wreaking havoc on ground forces" in a vehicle description? PlanetSide 2 is showcasing yet another of their "Common Pool Vehicles" from manufacturer Nanite Systems, and up today is the Liberator! The Liberator packs a downward facing gun emplacement that can vary depending on the situation, be it packing a 150mm cannon or a 30mm Gatling gun. The Liberator is also capable of wreaking havoc on ground forces. I'm repeating myself, but that bears repeating.

Anyway, if you want to check out some pretty Liberator artwork, be sure to check out the PlanetSide 2 official site.

Nanite Systems Common Pool Vehicles - Quad

PlanetSide 2's battles are on such a massive scale, you'll want to know the best and most efficient way to get around. With that in mind, Nanite Systems has got you covered. Providing Nanotechnology to all three empires battling over the planet, Nanite Systems has created a vehicle known as the "Quad" for soldiers looking to get from point A to point B rapidly.

While this vehicle has amazing speed, it's agility is it's only defense. Based on a battlefield where men cannot permanently die, the Quad's greatest value is seen as a flanking vehicle with several options for front mounted weapons.

Check out m ore artwork on the Quad at the PlanetSide 2 website!

New PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Footage

For some reason, the word "footage" has always been somewhat of an un-elegant word for me. That is all. Moving on, with PlanetSide 2 picking up some global publishers, SOE's Chinese partner, The9, has brought forth some exclusive new PlanetSide 2 gameplay footage, which features some rather stiff developer commentary and some real infantry and vehicle combat footage.

If you're a PlanetSide 2 fan, be sure to check out the video below!