Talk Azeroth Episode 14

Garrosh might be shaking in his boots a little this week. Almost right after Patch 5.4 dropped in World of Warcraft, his champions began dropping like flies in the new Siege of Orgrimmar raid instance. In this week's episode of Talk Azeroth, Olivia D. Grace is here to chat with you about how the "World-First Race" is progressing, and share some tips on how to gank like a pro in the Timeless Isle.

World of Warcraft's Annual Brewfest Has Begun

WoW PVP Season 14 Begins

Season 14 PVP

"With sharpened blades and well-honed spells, the time to strike has come!"

Rumbling in behind Patch 5.4, Siege of Orgrimmar, the new Season 14 of WoW PVP is here!

Blizzard brings a myriad of changes to make the Arena "more convenient and competitive":

World of Warcraft's Harvest Festival Returns

The annual Harvest Festival has made its return to World Of Warcraft as both Alliance and Horde players honor their fallen heroes.

Like a Boss! An Interview With Ion Hazzikostas

Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar is now live but I got the chance to speak with Ion Hazzikostas, Lead Encounter Designer for World of Warcraft, the day before. I questioned him on the patch and Mists of Pandaria in general, as well as what the future may hold. His answers were very forthcoming...

BlizzCon Virtual Tickets Now on Sale

BlizzCon, Blizzard's two-day long convention, taking place November 8th and 9th, is now selling its Virtual Tickets for $39.99.The ticket wiill grant access to multiple HD (720p) channels dedicated to different areas of BlizzCon. It also grants complete access to the main and panel stage channels, which features content such as developer panels, costume and talent contests, exclusive interviews, and the closing ceremony. Purchasers will also be granted BlizzCon 2013 exclusive World of Warcraft, Diablo III, StarCraft II, and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft in-game goodies.

For more information and to purchase your Virtual Ticket head over to the BlizzCon 2013 website!

Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor

Follow me on Twitter: @Cyliena

World of Warcraft: Orgrimmar and Beyond

Tomorrow, the march to Garrosh Hellscream begins. After months of build-up in World of Warcraft, we’ll finally have the chance to ransack his fortress and put the tyrannical Warchief down for good. For the Mists of Pandaria expansion, Hellscream’s demise marks the end of a chapter.

But what happens next? While roaming through Gamescom, I met up with Talk Azeroth host Olivia Grace as she interviewed lead game designer Tom Chilton and lead content designer Cory Stockton. During the conversation, they discussed some of the upcoming content and reflected back on Mists overall.

There were also a few teasers on the next expansion, although we’re eagerly anticipating Blizzcon in November to find out all the details. 

Experience Points: What Grinds My Gears

Each week, Chris "Syeric" Coke gives his unfiltered thoughts on the MMO industry. Taking on the news and hottest topics, Chris brings his extensive experience as a player and blogger to bear in Experience Points. This week he breaks down frustrating aspects of the industry, including the recent launch of Final Fantasy XIV.

Yesterday, for the first time since the game's release, I was able to log on to my guild's Final Fantasy XIV server. After eight days and one miracle patch, Square Enix finally seems to be making headway on an issue that never should have happened in the first place. See, this genre has a problem – a few of them in fact. One of them is launches. Another is the publishers and companies running these games. Today I want to look at what, in the words of Peter Griffin, really grinds my gears.

Talk Azeroth: Episode 13

Unsure how to prep for the upcoming World Of Warcraft:Siege of Orgrimmar game update? Well fear not, because Olivia Grace has you covered. Join her in this week's episode of "Talk Azeroth" as she runs you through her Patch 5.4 Survival Guide. And be sure to say hello to Garrosh for me--you know--as he attempts to smash you in the face.

Gear and Preparation: Patch 5.4

Blizzard is just days away from flicking the switch that makes Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar go live, and so now is the time to take a look at how you can prepare for the coming changes. 

It is important to note that ilvl 489 gear previously available from faction quartermasters for Valor Points will be purchasable with Justice Points instead. Not only that, but the reputation requirements for those items are being removed. The higher ilvl Valor gear previously available from the Shado-Pan Assault is still there, but selling at a discounted price.