It looks like World of Kung Fu is experiencing a fair bit of success, as they will be opening up their fourth server, "Emerald Tiger," to players on April 28th! As the server opens, WoKF will be offering a few events for players who check out their latest server addition. On April 28th to May 26th, any player who manages to hit level 80 and finish the rebirth quest will share a top prize of 999 gold and each of them will recieve a whole set of his Tier one class armor. On May 5th to May 26th, GMs will wander around the maps in WoKF and either give players random quests to finish (with great rewards), or if the player 'accepts the challenge of the Emerald Tiger.' What this challenge really is... who knows! Finally, all items in the item mall will be sold for a huge discount during the month of May.
So if you have any interest in World of Kung Fu, now would be the time to check it out!