Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Teaser

Warning: Here Be Spoilers!

The last episode for Guild Wars 2's Living World Season 2 came out earlier this week, but it didn't end without building the hype for what is next. After players finished the episode, they were shown the below cinematic that ends with the above Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns logo and that players will find out more on January 24th at PAX South.

DC Universe Online: 4th Anniversary

Sony Online Entertainment's superhero MMO, DC Universe Online, dinged level 4 on Sunday, January 11th. DCUO launched with fast-paced, physics-based combat, rich story arcs and the ability to play either a villain or hero while pairing up with well-known figures from the DC universe.

Since its launch the game has released a lot of content and features. To celebrate the 4th anniversary, let's take a quick look at how DCUO has grown over the years!

Fight for the Light

September 7, 2011

Fight for the Light was DCUO's 1st DLC, featuring Green Lantern and the introduction of the game’s seventh power set, Light.

In times of great need, the Green Lantern and Sinestro Corps would give out “reservist rings” to worthy heroes or enthusiastic villains who will help restore the balance of the universe for their side; these players can be deputized into either Corps and fight alongside legendary ring-bearers. In addition to the new light power set, DCUO players were able to interact with characters and missions based on the Green Lantern mythos in all-new gameplay scenarios.

Eorzea Examiner #31: Classes and Jobs Part 4

Hello and welcome to the 31st edition of the Eorzea Examiner, ZAMs column on Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. For our first column of 2015, we’re going to try our hands at designing another job for FFXIV. Usually when we do one of these columns, I dig through the various classes from previous Final Fantasy games to try and find a good match for the game, whether because it fills a needed role in the game or simply because it would be a good fit for the game. This time we’re going to go off into uncharted territory. Last week’s announcement of the Astrologian at the Tokyo Fan Festival has shown us that SE is willing to create new jobs in addition to new primals, so that opens all sorts of doors for us to play class designer.

Eorzea Examiner #30: Heavensward Part 2

Hello and welcome to the 30th edition of the Eorzea Examiner, ZAMs column on Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. For this weeks column, we’ve got more news to talk about. This weekend Square Enix held their Tokyo Fan Festival for fans of FFXIV. In addition to all of the concerts, costumes and other events for the fan, this weekend gave us another glimpse into Heavensward, FFXIV’s first expansion coming in Spring 2015. London’s fan event brought us flying mounts and the Dark Knight, FFXIV’s first job with no base class. What could SE have brought to the Tokyo event to top that?

Final Fantasy X/X-2 and VII Coming to the PS4

On top of the Final Fantasy XIII-2 PC port being released today, Square Enix has also announced that Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster as well as Final Fantasy VII will be ported to the PlayStation 4. Both titles will be a digital download (X/X-2 will also have a physical version) and are expected to be available in Spring 2015. Final Fantasy VII is priced at $15.99 while X/X-2 HD Remaster will be available for $49.99.

Frostfell Returns to Norrath!

UPDATE: The start of Frostfell has been delayed.  SOE hopes to have it live around noon, Pacific.

The season of giving and cheer has arrived in EverQuest II! Frostfell will begin on Thursday, December 11.

This year Frostfell introduces one new quest, The Great Candy (Cane) Chase, in which players are challenged to collect E'ci cubes around Frostfell Wonderland Village. Pick them up in order while being helped or hindered by presents! This new game can be repeated every 18 hours.

Players with extra "gifties" from the Gigglegibber Gifty Storehouse can exchange them for Frozen Tokens of E'ci on the Enchanted Lands dock. Santa Glug can be found with his bag of goodies inside the Frostfell Wonderland Village for players to receive their daily presents. There are of course new recipe books, and if you didn't get them last year you can still obtain Permanent Frostfell Crafting Stations!

ZAM is pleased to offer alt-a-holics an updated Frostfell Quest Tracker. Print it out and chart up to 15 of your characters' progress!


Eorzea Examiner #29: Learning from the Competition

Hello and welcome to the 29th edition of the Eorzea Examiner, ZAMs column on Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. For this weeks column, we’re going to be looking at FFXIV’s competition again. As many of you are aware, last month marked the release of World of Warcraft’s fifth expansion pack, Warlords of Draenor. Many have been claiming that this expansion is one of the best Blizzard Entertainment has ever released and the numbers support that: 3.3 million copies of the expansion sold on the first day, as well as bumping their subscriber count back above the 10 million player mark. Those are some fairly sizable numbers for a 10-year-old game, so they must be doing something right. Seeing as FFXIV is launching their first expansion, Heavensward, next year, it may be a good idea to take a look at WoD to see if anything can be learned from this successful expansion. Partly because it will help improve the game, but mostly because, barring any major shifts in the MMO landscape before Heavensward ships, this is the main competition.

EverQuest II Producer's Letter: December News

Senior Producer Holly "Windstalker" Longdale has posted a Producer's Letter which itemizes the end of 2014 for EverQuest II.  Highlights include a big bug bash, finishing off the SOE Live feedback, Frostfell, limited-time Ethereal Armor gems, and Plunderable items on the Loyalty Merchants.

You can read the entire letter on the official forums or below after the jump.

EverQuest II: Altar of Malice Launch Guides

The Altar of Malice expansion is here!

The Altar of Malice expansion is now available for F2P members to purchase! Here's some quick links to hop between specific sections:

Eorzea Examiner #28: Jobs With No Class

Hello and welcome to the 28th edition of the Eorzea Examiner, ZAMs column on Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. For this weeks column, we’re going to dig into another one of the new features of the recently announced FFXIV expansion, Heavensward. Flight, new zones and increased level caps are all great features of the expansion, but the feature many players were focused on during all of the announcements was the addition of new jobs. So far we’ve just had the one reveal with the Dark Knight, but there’s something unique about this job: the Dark Knight is the first FFXIV job option without a base class. So what does this mean for the rest of the jobs Heavensward and any future expansions will bring us?