Featured Guide: Recipe Books

Did you know that after completing some crafting quest series you can buy your Advanced recipe volumes for that tier?  Where do you find Bartending for Sadists?  How do you get the recipes for Battlegrounds gear and Mark of Manaar gear?

Whether you're looking for the recipe for Mooshga Mush or need a Chocolate Chip Cookie, you should find it all on our new Recipe Book Guide!

Tanaka's Twitter Sent the Wrong Message

Call it the tweet heard ‘round Eorzea.

In the time it took for Final Fantasy XIV producer Hiromichi Tanaka to call out the “foreign media” on Twitter, we instantly realized that Square Enix still hasn’t mastered the art of communicating with customers outside of Japan.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Square Enix’s biggest problem is a failure to control its message – more on that in a bit.

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5 Wise Japanese Sayings to Ensure FFXIV's Success

Things have been hectic lately regarding Final Fantasy XIV.  The revelation of a long dormant fatigue system has many fans up in arms.  An official English explanation is now available, which has begun to calm the swirling rage, but a deeper problem still lingers: the rift between foreign players and the Japanese developers.  Call it the language barrier, a cultural misunderstanding... but it is there and it has begun to wreak havoc on the promotion of FFXIV.

So, let's get right to the heart of the issue: communication.  We are going to direct this to the developers and speak their language to communicate 5 pieces of advice to help ensure the success of their newest MMO overseas.

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Featured Guide: Greater Faydark

Game Update 57 brought developer attention to Greater Faydark, where the Nursery series has been revamped.  The story has changed just a bit and the progression is much smoother than the original.  Later in the Greater Faydark quests new players receive their first mount as they infiltrate Crushbone Territory.

We walk you through the entire zone in our updated Greater Faydark Quest Series Guide!

Featured Guide: Darklight Wood

Hate's Envy is under attack!  With Game Update 57 Darklight Wood, the popular starting area for citizens of Neriak, got a firm revamp.  There's new things happening in Hate's Envy and several new quest series.  If you work your way through the entire series you'll get a new mount!

You can see the entire quest series at a glance and get help if you need it from our new Darklight Wood Guide!

RPC: A Home for Role Players


Adventurers who want to role play in Final Fantasy XIV will have a place to call home.

The question is: Where will that home be?

A large network of role-playing gamers called the Role-Playing Coalition of FFXIV – or RPC for short – will soon be voting on which server to designate as its home server. By publicizing the vote, RPC members hope other role-playing groups will adopt that server as the "unofficial" role-playing server of FFXIV.

The role-playing community was small and scattered in Final Fantasy XI because the game lacked a role-playing server, says Castiel, an avid role-player who founded the RPC. Without official support from Square Enix, the role-playing community failed to come together on its own, he said.

The RPC hopes to change that by attempting to unite the role-playing community early.

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Check out the RPC of FFXIV's Web site.

Final Fantasy XIV Collector's Edition Preview

Square Enix, set to release their highly anticipated next generation MMO Final Fantasy in just a little over a month to customers of the Collector's Edition, has released images and details on the two different editions. In addition, they've provided details on how they plan to entice current Final Fantasy XI adventurers to venture into their new fantasy world of Eorzea.

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Disciples of the Pen: Evolving the Fantasy

This edition of Disciples of the Pen features another article by Sephrick who looks at the recent history of the Final Fantasy series from a hardware perspective.  Sephrick examines how the games have evolved over time, and how Square Enix continues to push the limits of current-gen with their flagship RPG series.  Each new installment raises the bar, but at what cost to the players?

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Game Update 57 Fleshes Out Tradeskill Quests

Adam and Jamie need your help in Steamfont!Since Emily "Domino" Taylor joined the EverQuest II development team tradeskill quests have been slowly added to the game, giving crafters more options for leveling their tradeskills and getting out into the world.  Announced at Fan Faire 2010, Game Update 57 brings three new tradeskill quest series to Norrath.  These quests fill out the tradeskill progression, giving players quests from levels 1 through 90. As a bonus, completion of these series lets players buy advanced recipe books for that Tier. 

You can see the new quests and the entire tradeskill quest series from level 1 to 90 at a glance on our Tradeskill Quests Guide!

Explore In-Game Items with ZAM's Tooltips

With Final Fantasy XIV coming out in just a little over a month, the staff at ZAM felt today was a good day to start giving you all a look at what you can expect with our site. We're very excited about some of the features to come and are anxious to share them with you.

A favorite feature here at ZAM is Tooltips.  At first glance, it seems like a simple little mouseover, but it can be a very powerful tool for your fan site or linkshell forum! To find out how you can easily display item stats on your own site, read our full wikibase article on Tooltips.

Tooltips works all over the ZAM site and using it in your site, forums, or blog is a snap. After adding in a simple line of code to your site, all you would need to do is paste the URL of the item into your post and a mouseover of the link will pop-up the item's stats.