XIV 1: The FFXIV Podcast

Gary and Kenzie over at GameBreaker.TV have started up a new video podcast called XIV (ex-eye-vee), which will cover everything Final Fantasy XIV.

Click here to check out their premiere episode, and let us know what you think ZAM forums.

Tactics: Support Classes Comparison Guide

Our final entry in the class skills features follows the same format as our previous one for melee classes. This one covers TERA's support classes: Mystic and Priest. What is each class like and how do they compare to each other? This overview will not only cover a bit about each class and the use of its skills, but also look at the pros and cons of each and see how both fit into different play-styles and roles.

Continue reading if you want to learn more about these two classes, to broaden your understanding.

Tactics: Melee Classes Comparison Guide

You may have seen our previous entries in the class skills overviews covering the archer and sorcerer, but this time I'm changing the format a bit. There are four melee classes in TERA: Berserker, Lancer, Slayer and Warrior. What is each class like and how do they compare to each other? This overview will not only cover a bit about each class and the use of their skills, but also look at the pros and cons of each and see how they all potentially fit into different play-styles and roles.

Unsure of which melee class you wish to play or just want to learn more about other classes? Keep reading!

The Eorzean 18

The speculation about classes in Final Fantasy XIV is over -- for now.

With the new MMO poised for a Sept. 30 global release date, Square Enix has revealed the 18 classes that will be playable at launch. These classes feature seven combat classes and 11 classes that specialize in crafting and gathering. Square Enix unveiled this news via a press release reported by Famitsu magizine.

Now that all the initial classes are known, soon-to-be adventurers can decide which roles they will play upon arriving in Eorzea. However, the nuances and specific abilities of each job remain a mystery.

Tactics: Sorcerer Skills Guide

Next in our Class skills overview series is the sorcerer. In addition to myself, we're featuring guest writer Valaka this time around, to provide more opinions. Disclaimer: This is a basic overview of the practical usage of currently known sorcerer skills with my commentary. This piece is not intended to cover basic values and numbers, but rather to explain general pros, cons and situational purposes.

Want to know more about their attacks, movement, recovery and utility skills? Read on.

Tactics: Archer Skills Guide

Here is a basic overview of the practical usage of currently known archer skills with my commentary. This piece is not intended to cover basic values and numbers, but rather to explain general pros, cons and situational purposes.

Want to know more about their attacks, movement, recovery and utility skills? Read on.

Featured Guide: Betrayal & Citizenship

Changing your home city can be confusing in EverQuest II.  It's not just a matter of packing up and moving. Are you just moving to a new town of the same alignment, or betraying your home for the other team?  Will you have to change your class?  What do you have to do to gain acceptance in your chosen new home?

We answer all those questions in our updated Betrayal and Citizenship Guide.

Tactics: Please Stop Whiffing

Dear Warriors (or any other melee class for that matter),

Please stop whiffing.

For those who aren't familiar with the term, you may ask, "what exactly does whiffing mean?" It implies something more than just a simple miss, which could be no fault of your own. A whiff is generally more of an error in execution resulting in a miss, consuming time and potentially leaving yourself vulnerable or having other consequences. There are some times where you may want to whiff on purpose, but that's an exception and related to other tactics.

I’m sure many of you who browse TERA videos have seen many Warriors whiffing entire attack chains into the air and wondered if the animations are designed to be that long and restrictive and how this could affect game play negatively. These videos feature players who have not yet learned the art of properly positioning and spacing themselves, as well as not having a full understanding of some game systems. There's no reason to keep whiffing attacks if you’ve missed any of the hits and are no longer in range, and it's easy to learn how to avoid this.

The Final Day of ZAM's E3 2010 Awards

We saw more than 20 MMOs at the recent E3 2010 convention in Los Angeles. We participated in the spectacle by attending parties, touring booths and watching the booths babes ... and the games, of course. So that is why each year, we honor the best of the best from each show. Over the next few days, we'll unveil our winners. Here is the schedule:


  • Best Real Life Game
  • Best Fantasy Game
  • Best Sci-Fi Game
  • Best in Show

Day 1:

  • Best Party
  • Best Booth
  • Best Family Game

Day 2:

  • Best Trailer
  • Biggest Surprise
  • Best Demo

So stay with us all three days as we unveil the winners. In case you missed our coverage, you can check out the E3 index page.

Much Love for FFXIV

Those who have followed Final Fantasy XIV news from the beginning know that it has not always been such a hot topic outside of dedicated fan forums.  Even within those communities, some people were upset that Square Enix was not releasing information fast enough and others were simply disappointed with what they saw.  Japanese fans were no exception, as the upcoming MMO would rarely break out of the 20s on weekly Top-30 Anticipated Games lists.  

However, it looks like Valentine's Day (season?) has brought some new love for the developing title.  FFXIV has shot up considerably in both Famitsu and Dengeki, securing itself a very comfortable spot in the top 10.  Besides a few skeptics, many are anxiously anticipating the promised 2010 release, and if the developers are to be believed, they have continued to back that promise in every interview conducted thus far.  VanaFest2010 is also mere days ahead of us, and both the Japanese and English sites for the event are hinting at an FFXIV announcement for the "Super Secret Dodecatuple Bonus Stage."

However you feel about FFXIV, it has already been quite a ride.