Champions Online: Meet the Producer

Champions Online, the new MMO being developed by Cryptic Studios, makers of City of Heroes and Villians, has posted a Meet the Producer feature on their website!

Q: What is a typical day for a producer?
A: I usually start my morning by answering some e-mails, and I like to hop in game and take a look at anything that has been added from the day before. Then at 9:45 a.m. sharp, the production staff meets and the real day begins. After that it is a mix of future planning, status meetings, cheerleading and fire extinguishing. As a wrap-up to the day, I prepare daily reports for various groups to keep everyone informed.

Check out the new website, and this look at the man who will help shape this game from the beginning!

Torrie Dorrell on the G.I.R.L Program

With SOE introducing the G.I.R.L program, questions have been flying.

Calthine and I sat down and used Cal's mad bard skills to coerce ... err... persuade Torrie Dorrell, Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing for Sony Online Entertainment, to answer a few of those questions for us.

Our deepest thanks to Torrie for her informative answers.

And please visit us here to discuss!

My Interview With The Grimfather

I know we're all excited about the Rise of Kunark expansion coming up, but let us not forget the other things that are happening!!

I tracked down (stalked) Grimwell and cajoled him with promises of baked goods to tell us all about the current winback campaign!