SWG: Player Spotlight – Zimoon

This week's player spotlight is on Zimoon.

How long have you played Star Wars Galaxies? Since 2004. I downloaded a 14-day trial in June, subscribed in July and have never canceled my main account since then. In the spring of 2005 I treated myself with a second account since I fell in love with crafting but Zimoon wanted to continue the Force Sensitive training. Now I have several accounts that I alternate between.

What other MMOs have you played? Actually none.Why should I when I have SWG? My two sons have tried and played a truckload though, so I know the lot from watching and chitchating with them. My poor wife, what deep conversations she has overheard. :P

I don't quite understand why the player spotlight is so long, and the dev spotlight is 2 paragraphs.  Maybe they're trying to protect their poor devs!

Exclusive: Interview with Frag Doll Valkyrie!

The Frag Dolls are a group of women recruited and promoted by Ubisoft to bring the presence of women in gaming to the industry's attention.  At least, that's what they started out to be.  However, they are really a bunch of really cool gamers who can kick some serious ass on the PC - and they just happen to be women.

Our top notch network news reporter, Becky "Tovin" Simpson, caught up with the Frag Dolls recently for some interviews, and here is our next in the series.  Today's section is with Amy " Valkyrie " Brady , who is also part of the mega-watt team behind Pandora's Mighty Soldiers (PMS), an Xbox LIVE clan community which is today the largest clan out there. She is also a champion player, gaming since the days of Atari, and enjoying titles such as Rainbow Six 3 and Final Fantasy XI.

Exclusive: Interview with Frag Doll Pyra!

The Frag Dolls are a group of women recruited and promoted by Ubisoft to bring the presence of women in gaming to the industry's attention.  At least, that's what they started out to be.  However, they are really a bunch of really cool gamers who can kick some serious ass on the PC - and they just happen to be women.

Our top notch network news reporter, Becky "Tovin" Simpson, caught up with the Frag Dolls recently for some interviews, and here is the next in our series.  In this installment, Tovin chats with Marcella " Pyra " Fernandez , a Pharmameutical student and world-class female gamer. Pyra was a member of the all-female team to ever place 6th in the Cyberathlete Professional League (the highest for an all-women team in the League's history), all while playing Halo 2.

Exclusive: Interview with Frag Doll Seppuku!

The Frag Dolls are a group of women recruited and promoted by Ubisoft to bring the presence of women in gaming to the industry's attention.  At least, that's what they started out to be.  However, they are really a bunch of really cool gamers who can kick some serious ass on the PC - and they just happen to be women.

Our top notch network news reporter, Becky "Tovin" Simpson, caught up with the Frag Dolls recently for some interviews, and here is the first in the series.  We start out with Emily "Seppuku " Ong , who has not only degrees in both Computer Science and Mathematics Applied Science, but also is a champion gamer with 3 titles under her belt!  (She has a serious penchant for PS3's Rainbow Six!)

Allakhazam Interviews Live Gamer's George Scotto

With every MMO some form of Real Money Trading or RMT seems unavoidable. EverQuest, EverQuest II, WoW... you name the game and they are fighting the illegal sale of realm currency and items. Three years ago SOE decided to take aggressive action and formulated the Station Exchange servers. Here, players were free to conduct sales and auctions of items, currency, even characters legally and without feeding what are affectionately referred to as "plat farmers." As most Station Exchange players are aware, the Station Exchange will be closing and all its services will be assumed by Live Gamer on March 31, 2008. While looking into Live Gamer our own Calthine met George Scotto, Senior Director, Global Customer Service, who agreed to an interview on this landmark industry service.

SWG Team Profile: Gourney-SME

The SWG team has once again given us details on another of their team, and this time it's Technical Writer Gourney-SME!

What types of things do you do in a typical day at work?

A typical day at the office could include auditing of current answers and creation of new articles for the Knowledge Base, documenting policies, procedures and workarounds for the CS team, maintaining the internal Wiki resource, attending status meetings with operations and/or development, maintaining 'top issues' lists for use in various reports, initial testing of problems reported by the community. (primarily from the ticket system), assisting CS management and teammates with issues and investigations as needed, answering tickets, and play-testing.

The profile is short and sweet, but now we have a name!  *cackles*

Legends of Norrath: Player Spotlight

With the recent release of the Legends of Norrath: Inquisitor trading card game set, I thought it was a good time to sit down with Davon "Uway" Clay, who is leading in tournament competition and currently ranked #4 on the Leaderboards, in order to get some insight into not only his LoN success, but his thoughts on the game and the recent expansion. Here's what he had to say:
Allakhazam: First off, thanks for taking the time to answer some questions for us!  So that our readers can get to know a little bit more about you, can you share with us your gaming background and what MMO (if any) you're currently playing?

Davon: I have been playing EverQuest 2 since 2005 and I have watched the game go through some serious changes that were good and bad but overall for the best of the game. I have a deep history with console RPG and Strategy games with one of my all time favorites being Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, for the original Playstation.

Allakhazam: Is the Legends of Norrath trading card game your first TCG, or have you been involved in others?  Can you tell us a bit about that?

Davon: Legends of Norrath is the first TCG that I have aimed to be competitive in, though as a kid I did fool around with MTG.

Jeffrey Steefel talks to Allakhazam about LotRO

Following yesterday’s worldwide press announcement about the new Lord of the Rings Online expansion “Mines of Moria ” at Connect 08 in Birmingham, UK, Turbine and Codemasters gave another presentation about the forthcoming interim updates and the new retail expansion.

This morning I managed to get a quiet 5 minutes with Jeffrey Steefel, Turbine’s Executive Producer of LoTRO to ask a few questions on behalf of Allakhazam’s subscribers.

Calling All Lore Junkies!

At the recent Community Summit with SOE, I got to steal a couple of minutes to pester everyone's favourite Lore God, Tony "Vhalen" Garcia.

Not only was he super nice, he was also, like, a real person and not some dusty old gnome covered in ink and toting books around and stuff.

He answered some questions for us, which of course only inspired yet more questions!  Hopefully he'll be willing to sit down with us again sometime.

Until then, thank you Vhalen!

LotRO Developer Chat Meeting Log

So we had a little visit from the staff over there at Turbine and boy did they have a lot of questions facing them :) We had several moderators from our teams here at Allakhazam and quite a large turnout to meet and greet the team from Turbine.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated and fielded questions for us to ask them. Sorry if we didn't get to some of them but we expect many more chats in the future so stay tuned!