Merloc's Tower - July 20, 2007

From EQLive:

Q: I have the TBS Vendor Gloves, and the TSS Raid arms. Both have a pet focus, with the TBS one obviously being superior. However, whenever I have both equipped, the TSS focus takes precedence over the TBS focus, making me unequip my TSS arms to get my desired effect. Look into this if you can, please.

I talked with Prathun, and that should be fixed with the next update.

Q: I still find Bloody Ancille's Pouch is summoning 20 Arrows each click. Could you please update this item to summon 100 arrows?

A: There is a component requirement to the Transmute Hunter's Barbs, so I won't be changing this spell.

Q: I've been killing Slitherer in Silyssar that supposedly should drop an aug, but after getting named to pop like 30 times with only shoulder drops, I'm thinking that's beyond bad luck.

A: The augment is the rare drop with 25 percent drop rate; I tested it to make sure. It seems like some really bad luck, there's about a .02 percent chance that it wouldn't have dropped for you after 30 kills.

Q: Could you please clarify your plans regarding purity augs (type 13/14):
  1. Are you going to add some means of safely removing them (rather that destroying)?
  2. Will there be more infusible raid items in SoF?
  3. If so, then will the purity augs from Katta work with SoF items?

A: Here's a clarification:
  1. No, the augments from Katta Vendors will only be able to be removed by destroying them. In the future I plan to add some rare type 13 / 14 augments that drop from content that can be safely removed with distillers.
  2. Yes, there will be infusible armor from raid and single group content in the future.
  3. Yes, the purity augments should be usable in future infusible armor.

Q: Why can't clicky auras be used while an aura is already up?

A: There is a code limitation, mainly due to resource requirements, that limits auras to one per player.

Q: Why is the Sporali Familiar being poofed by malo?

A: There is a stacking issue with Malo. I've made some changes to the spell that should fix the problem.

Q: Can you replace the Faerune on my helm with a different focus that is more useful.

A: In terms of value, Faerune is very low on the scale... and it's not actually a focus effect, it's a worn effect. An item can have a worn effect, a focus effect, and a click effect that all function. It's a common misconception that a particular spell effect 'takes the spot' of another on the item, which isn't generally the case.

Q: Why aren't Paladins on Haunting Ruby Amulet or Tattered Cryptrobber's Cloak.

A: Specifically, those items are Melee DPS classes, which does not include Paladins or Shadow Knights. Since class usability is essentially at the lowest level of itemization, even though it's essentially arbitrary, it's not something that is usually changed.

Q: I have a Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore, my raid augment which is type 8 and works in charm slot will not go on it.

A: There is no way to make a slot accept multiple augment types. The charm slot is not a standard slot that most augments fit in, so it is slightly harder to find an augment that works with it... That was taken into consideration when the charm was created, and I don't plan to make any changes to the charm.

Q: Why does Buckler of Corruption have 2 avoidance?

A: That was a mistake. I've changed the 2 avoidance to the 2 dot shielding that was intended.

Q: Is Gali Vertebra meant to be socket type 7 only?

A: Yes, some augments are specifically meant to be type 7 only, even though they might be desirable to place in equipment with type 8 sockets.

Keith "Merloc" Turkowski
EQ Designer - Items


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138 = a lot?
# Jul 25 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
308 posts
Is 138 a lot?
Call of the hero
# Jul 25 2007 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
Can you please update call of the hero so that it takes maybe 2-3 regeants to call a whole group. cast time is kinda slow and recast time time even slower this would be a great help for raids as well as mobs that despawn after a certain amount of time... thanks

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 12:43pm by mineemadduxx

Edited, Jul 25th 2007 12:44pm by mineemadduxx
there are enough limitations on that pouch...
# Jul 25 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
And it is hard enough to get, it shouldn't be hit with yet another limitation. Considering you can get other arrow summoning items in the baz, it's not the only player tradeable item... As for what Eqbud suggested, I completely disagree; doing that would practically end the pouch's use in the game. While the arrows that are summoned are quite short ranged, and have practically no dmg, they do their job for someone who wants to use better wrist items or cannot use the tolans bracer, and with the pouch, you don't have to smother yourself in arrows every time you are in pok. It's already difficult enough to get, and it's a hair over 41 pp to get a stack of the gems to do the summoning as it is. That alone is enough to put a dent in the bank of players who are not full time farmers.

On my accts, I am sharing the pouches I have through over 15 bow users, as I have a preference for using bows for ranged attacks. Most of my bow users who would be able to use the tolans bracer already have a better stat based bracer on for what I have been able to find. As for what was said about relying on the pouch for dps, I know several ppl that do, including my GL on his 75 war. Just because there are higher arrows out there, doesn't mean I am going to spend 10k to get a quiver full of them, or a toolbox...
# Jul 24 2007 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
Fish-bone darts for the win!
# Jul 23 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
if the ancillies pouch is the only arrow summon item that is still doing 20 arrows a shot, that is unfair, component requirement or no... I hope that Merloc changes his mind on this, but at this point, so far as I know I have no known way to send him a msg directly about addressing my concerns. I do not understand why the component req to make the arrows should prevent the pouch from giving 100 arrows since other items such as the tolans bracer are now set to 100. Considering how rare the pouch is, and the fact it is only avail from a single point in the game if it drops, that seems quite off to me.
# Jul 23 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
It might seem unfair but the pouch happens to be the ONLY tradeable all/all clicky summon arrow item in the game. That alone should make it come with some sort of limitation.

The component requirement is reasonable for non ranger or mage classes to be able to summon arrow. Since there's no level restriction on using the pouch clicky I can see how making it summon 100 barbs would be unbalancing somewhat for the lower levels that would get this in their twinkage. No high end player would rely on these for dps, only pulling.

Personally I think the hunter's barbs are so weak and short ranged that they are not very good even for pulling unless you have a high range bow.
# Jul 24 2007 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
The logical solution would be to raise the price of the regent to 5x what it currently is and then allow the pouch to summon 100.
# Jul 25 2007 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
The logical solution would be to raise the price of the regent to 5x what it currently is and then allow the pouch to summon 100.

You've been playing EQ long enough to have 138 posts on Allakhazam to date... When have you ever known the developers (especially Merloc) to do something logical?
# Jul 25 2007 at 11:37 AM Rating: Default
Ngreth would do it that way, but he only works on tardeskills.

And just to nitpick: I only stated a logical option. I did not imply it would be used.
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